Kim Fanasog's Bookshelf

My Mafia Madness

My Mafia Madness

  • Thriller
  • Action
  • Fiction
  • Adult
  • Romance

Dante Romano is a highly dangerously and incredibly powerful businessman who always gets what he wants in life… Money, power, women, you name it. As the face of his company and CEO to the multi-billion-dollar industry by day, Dante leads the local Mafia ring by night as an underworld crime boss known as ‘The Reaper’.

To Dante, life seems simple enough and business appears to be booming...

But all that changes when he accidentally crosses paths with the beautiful and fiery twenty-five-year-old personal assistant Alexa Myers during a chance encounter in a company elevator. Without even realising it, the vivacious young woman suddenly becomes his latest craving, and he will stop but nothing to make her his.

Unfortunately, Dante’s rivals have also learned of his latest craving and actively seek out the beautiful Alexa with ulterior motives in mind. When she learns that her life is now in danger Alexa turns to Dante seeking answers to her countless questions.

But will they be answers he can give? And will she want to hear them?

Will the lovers even have the chance to get to know one another in time before they are put in harm’s way?

And of course, will Alexa accept Dante when she eventually learns who and what he truly is? Or will she ultimately reject such a dangerous lifestyle and in turn, reject Dante?

*** WARNING - This story contains scenes of physical and mental abuse, drugs, coarse language, extreme violence, graphic sex scenes and forced sex - R18+ - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! ***

Bec Middleton
20 chapters
My Angelic Demon

My Angelic Demon

  • BL
  • Mystery
  • Adventure
  • LQBTQ+
  • Romance

Elliot Eves is pulled into a strange realm of Magical Creatures and Elf sorcerers. He is the first 'Pathseeker'( ones who can travel freely between the four realms of Existence) in the last five hundred years. For the beings here, his blood is far more precious than his life itself. 

Even in this living mess, there is a ray of hope. An Elf is there beside him. The feeling he has only by a glimpse of him makes his heart to pound leaps and bounds. Is this love? Then, who is this guy with shadows surrounding him, who comes so often in his dreams and stares at him with those longingly, teary eyes. 

What if fate binds you to someone darker? Someone you can never dream of loving? What is love anyway? Is true love just a myth or reality? Can love really bind two souls for eternity? Or it's as fragile a life itself.

"To die for someone is easy my friend, to live for someone is the harder part. And I chose both for the same person." 

                                                                                          -A quote from the novel


-I have altered the point of view of the story to different characters to give idea of a situation through various aspects. The name beside the title indicate whose POV is used in the chapter.  Hope you like it. 

 -  The cover and the thumbnail     belongs to their original creator. I have  downloaded it from Pinterest and do not own its copyright. If you are the  creator, please contact, I would be happy to put you on credit.

 - If you wish to promote my novel in any way. Please contact me first, I would  be pleased to work with you.   

-All the copyrights of this story are reserved.

Warning : The content may contain some mature contents(16+)

Lovely Writer
16 chapters
The Cage

The Cage

  • BL
  • Adventure
  • Romance

Julian's dream is to become one of the most successful criminal lawyers around, so when a client asks him to venture to The Prison From Hell located on a remote island for an assignment, he jumps at the chance in hopes of a promotion. He's well-aware of the prison's infamous reputation, corrupt laws and peculiar hierarchy, so he already expects to find the baddest of the bad and the foulest of the foul within its concrete walls. Instead, he finds and catches the eye of the most beautiful man he's ever laid eyes on. 

When Schneider Cross, the new King of the Prison, offers him a one-in-a-lifetime chance to represent him as his attorney, Julian accepts, but just before he leaves, a riot breaks out and the prison descends into chaos. Julian is unwittingly caught in its midst and is made to defend himself from a group of rapists, forcing him to kill in self-defense. 

Angered, the inmates conspire to pin a bogus murder charge on Julian and have him thrown into The Prison from Hell with the intention to finish what they started. Dangerously unprepared and still reeling from the injustice, Julian must now seek the protection of the strongest man in all the prison if he is to survive. Only to ensure the King's protection, Julian must agree to become his 'bitch' and 'serve' him in an entirely different way than the first job entailed. 

But how can Julian possibly agree to such a thing when he suspects Schneider of conspiring with the other inmates to get him locked up?

50 chapters
I'm Not Even Gay.

I'm Not Even Gay.

  • BL
  • Fiction
  • Young Adult
  • Romance

In debt, the parents of Alexander sent him off to be married to the infamous mafia boss Damien Alferenzo. Yet when Alexander figured out his parents’ plans he was furious. He’s not even gay! Yet when the Mafia Man himself slowly learns about the boy he finds it hard to even resist him.
Before this, high-class billionaires began to run the government and even changed the laws. Presidents were outlawed, they became useless. Then came the law that gives high-class citizens the chance to buy and sell lower-class members (preferably children). Alexander is the bottom of the barrel lower-class and a kid.

33 chapters
Warlord's Ward

Warlord's Ward

  • Werewolf
  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Adventure
  • Fiction
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Smut

He came into our village like a shadow. 

A Dark Dread filled with powerful magic. The King merely called him Warlord. And he owned the name. 

Leaving wreckage in his wake. 

But for me he had other plans. His cutting blue eyes seeing straight through my disguise. 

As his slave, his mere plaything, I'll learn the true darkness of magic without conscience. 

Anything he wants if me, he takes. Anything he wants me to do. I am willed to do with the flick of his hand. 

His power is an all consuming whirlwind. And I'm just the pretty butterfly caught in it.

- K_K_S_
6 chapters


  • Werewolf
  • Fantasy
  • Thriller
  • Historical Fiction
  • Vampire
  • Horror
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Fiction
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Harem
  • Smut

I am a Catalyst.

The Spark, the lore calls me. 

The problem with being a Spark was two-fold. 

Monsters were drawn to me. And I'd known so many of them that I found myself unable to be intrigued by any normal, human male.

I was drawn to those dangerous breeds now, like a moth to flame, how much could I really resist their primal aggression?

You'd think that with my time as a Spark, I'd have learned how to recognize each creature. But there were so many, I didn't know where to begin. 

Every male creature lusted for me, especially the monsters. And I for them.

The trick I faced was in trying not to attract every unholy thing I came across. And when I did, in identifying which just wanted to possess me and which might actually kill me.

I was clearly failing. On both accounts.

- K_K_S_
6 chapters