SacrificeMimi's Bookshelf

Elektronia (A futuristic romance)

Elektronia (A futuristic romance)

  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Adventure
  • Utopic/Dystopic
  • Romance

Once upon a time in a wild place called Elektronia, two twins named Sylvaris and Lyraesia were born. But when they hit the milestone of turning eighteen, Sylvaris had this crazy idea of pursuing her dream to create mind-blowing robots like no one had ever seen before. So she packed her bags and left her family and poor Lyraesia behind to hold down the fort and run the kingdom. Fast forward six long years, and Sylvaris had finally completed her massive Project. She couldn't wait to return home and show off her incredible achievement to everyone. But guess what? The place she came back to was a total disaster zone, nothing like the shiny grassland she remembered. Instead of sunny beauty, there was blood all over the once-vibrant grass. And the sun? It had lost its bright and warm glory, replaced by a creepy-ass pitch-black sky that gave the area a seriously eerie vibe. Thankfully, Lyraesia was still the same, but everyone else? They were either sick, half-dead or mysteriously missing. How Lyraesia managed to survive through all the craziness in Elektronia, she couldn't even explain. So there goes Sylvaris, teleporting herself back home with excitement, only to find out that they were trapped. No way out until they unraveled the mystery behind the chaos and put an end to it. They were stuck, forced to confront whatever was keeping them prisoners and bringing destruction to their lands. But Sylvaris wasn't one to shy away from a challenge. She knew they had to bring an end to this madness somehow. It wasn't what she had planned, but she was ready to fight tooth and nail to save their home and restore some peace. The fate of Elektronia rested on her shoulders, and she was ready to tackle that challenge head-on.

Author Sinful Obsessions
1 chapters
The Cage

The Cage

  • BL
  • Adventure
  • Romance

Julian's dream is to become one of the most successful criminal lawyers around, so when a client asks him to venture to The Prison From Hell located on a remote island for an assignment, he jumps at the chance in hopes of a promotion. He's well-aware of the prison's infamous reputation, corrupt laws and peculiar hierarchy, so he already expects to find the baddest of the bad and the foulest of the foul within its concrete walls. Instead, he finds and catches the eye of the most beautiful man he's ever laid eyes on. 

When Schneider Cross, the new King of the Prison, offers him a one-in-a-lifetime chance to represent him as his attorney, Julian accepts, but just before he leaves, a riot breaks out and the prison descends into chaos. Julian is unwittingly caught in its midst and is made to defend himself from a group of rapists, forcing him to kill in self-defense. 

Angered, the inmates conspire to pin a bogus murder charge on Julian and have him thrown into The Prison from Hell with the intention to finish what they started. Dangerously unprepared and still reeling from the injustice, Julian must now seek the protection of the strongest man in all the prison if he is to survive. Only to ensure the King's protection, Julian must agree to become his 'bitch' and 'serve' him in an entirely different way than the first job entailed. 

But how can Julian possibly agree to such a thing when he suspects Schneider of conspiring with the other inmates to get him locked up?

50 chapters


  • Science Fiction
  • Supernatural
  • Romance

Elfie Nyx, a rookie police elf working for Shifter Agency, had a one-night stand with a sexy stranger. When she finds out he's her partner in a mission to catch a criminal shifter, she will have to fight tooth-and-nail with a sabertooth who makes her lady parts sing.

Axl Judd Arken is a sabertooth senior detective of the Shifter Agency. After spending a night with an elf, Axl begins his search to find his Cinderella. When he goes back to the office, he's in for a surprise. His new partner is no other than the woman who makes his cock throb. He must resort to devilish shenanigans to catch her attention... or tie her wrists to her desk.

10 chapters
The Vampire's Last Omega

The Vampire's Last Omega

  • Werewolf
  • Vampire
  • BL
  • Fiction
  • Apocalyptic
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Romance
  • Omegaverse

Almost two centuries had passed since vampires emerged from the shadows. After declaring themselves as the dominant species and for all humans to be captured, mortals were made into blood slaves, traitorous employees with protections, or lowly animals in the wild who could barely survive. 

Teru was the first omega to appear in decades. He was terrified of being discovered. His rare secondary gender would attract the bloodsuckers’ attention—enough that it was even kept secret from other nearby packs. 

His nightmare came true. 

Teru was caught by traffickers during a scavenging trip to find supplies for the Valley Pack. Little did he know that vampires were not the scariest monsters out there. 

Kieran, an immortal alpha prince of the royal family, was immediately captivated by Teru’s sweet pheromones. He craved to taste the omega’s blood, something he hadn’t had the desire to do in centuries since his ‘incident’ that left him unable to drink without becoming violently ill. 

His blood was not the only thing Kieran craved. His body wanted Teru in ways he never felt in his thousand years of existence. For the first time, Kieran questioned his pride. How did that human he purchased on a whim soften his cold heart?

Once Teru became Prince Kieran’s property, the last human omega had a choice—will he try to return to his pack or give everything up for a forbidden love that’s more than meets the eye?


Warning: This OMEGAVERSE contains mature content. Please read at your own discretion. 

Note: This story has four seasons under one cover. When the official published version is released, there will be three separate stories with different synopses and covers. 

Cover artist: Chyntia

89 chapters
Grand Epic Elemental

Grand Epic Elemental

  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • Adventure
  • LQBTQ+
  • Magic

Book 1 of the Grand Epic Elemental trilogy

In a world overseen by the goddesses of the four elements, Leiyu accompanies a trade caravan traveling westward to the Kingdom of Ishkhandar. Little does he know, he is about to meet someone who will change his life and embark on a journey to escape fate.

33 chapters
THAT FIRST BREAK (Broken Redemption Prequel)

THAT FIRST BREAK (Broken Redemption Prequel)

  • Fiction
  • Contemporary
  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Slice of Life

Choosing her cost me everything I’d ever loved… including her.

I had everything a guy could ask for, a loving family, the perfect small-town life, and a promising future I had worked hard for.

It should have been enough.

She was off-limits, my parent’s best friend’s daughter, practically my sister. I fought my feelings, pretending our soul-deep connection didn’t exist. When she confessed she felt the same, I pushed her away, believing our friendship mattered more than temporary infatuation. That she agreed should have come as a relief, but it left me with this void I didn’t know how to fill.

It’s what drove me to the bonfire that night. Right there, with our friends as witnesses, I claimed her. Told her I loved her and made her promises I shouldn’t have made.

Hours later, it all came crashing down in a whirlwind of fire and ashes. That one split-second choice to go after a girl that wasn’t meant for me cost me everything I loved.

I never should have crossed that line or given in. It’s why she’ll forever be my greatest love and deepest regret.

This tragic story is the beginning of our end…

Ariana Clark
21 chapters
صوت في الظلال †

صوت في الظلال †

  • Historical Fiction
  • Vampire
  • BL
  • Adult
  • Mystery
  • Drama

فتح فمه ليشتمه لكن تم اسكاته بقُبلة ناعمة ..

صُدم واحمر خجلاً حاول أن يكسر القُبلة و يبتعد عنه لكن تلك الذراع المرعبة حول خصره جذبتهُ أكثر ..


لندن - عام 1918 -
(جوناثان ريد) الطبيب الذي تحول إلى مصاص دماء مُمزق بين قسم أبقراط وطبيعتهِ المتعطشة للدماء يقع في حب الصياد العنيد (جيفري ماكلوم) قائد حرس البريوين الذي أقسم على قتل مصاصي الدماء وتطهير لندن من هذا الجنس الحقير. 

يكافح جوناثان للسيطرة على شهيته للدم ورغبته الشديدة في هذا الرجل المتعصب الاثنان نوعان مختلفان تمامًا ومتقاطعان ولا يمكن أن يكونا معًا بسبب طبيعتهما فكيف ستكون علاقتهما المعادية لبعضهما البعض.



وجب التنبيه هذه القصة تحتوي على علاقة من نفس الجنس ومشاهد جنسية لاحقاً في مسار القصة  لذا إن كنت لا تحب هذا النوع عزيزي القارئ أو عزيزتي القارئه فلتغادروا ..




 Fr VampŶr

juli kidman
19 chapters
The Becoming of an Assassin

The Becoming of an Assassin

  • Thriller
  • BL
  • Mystery
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Young Adult
  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Slice of Life
  • Romance

Are you an avid book reader, and do you have some time to enrich your reading experiences?

Let this book, Aidan's suspenseful, full of action and adventure story, ease your evenings.

Aidan Johnson, 16, just graduated and has been far from ordinary life. His grandfather, a trained assassin, trained him-assassination and hacking skills to protect him from the cruel world. When he dies, Aidan finds himself alone, vulnerable, and exposed. One day he gets involved in a deadly fight that would change his life for good. Ian and Thomas, members of the special attack force of their gang spotted his skills and facilitated his recruitment into the special force by recommending him to the gang leader.

In this rising action, suspense story, you get a glimpse of the cruel world out there-betrayal, hacking, and killings that hardened Aidan into the ultimate weapon of the world of crime.

So, whether you want a pass time or to enjoy a fascinating read, this is your book! Join Aidan as he courageously navigates the underworld of crime, skillfully using his brain to take down whoever stands in his way.

31 chapters
Death Is A Bottom?!?

Death Is A Bottom?!?

  • Fantasy
  • Thriller
  • BL
  • Horror
  • Action
  • LQBTQ+
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Comedy
  • Smut
  • Magic
  • Romance

Deyonte Wallace is no stranger to the uncanny and supernatural. Ever since surviving a near-death car accident as a child, he's developed the ability to see otherworldly ghosts, entities, and monsters. 

And he can't fathom having to deal with a bigger burden. 

Deyonte can't focus on hobbies or his studies as a first-year master's student due to constantly having to fend off supernatural nuances that are strangely attached. Even so, these creatures, though annoying, have never been violent. 

That is until one kills him during his nightly ritual of midnight coffee runs. 

Deyonte should have been dead, but to his luck, he was saved by a mysterious creature that was different from the rest. Death itself.

Death informs Deyonte that his soul is caught between a state of living and deceased. Due to the uncanny strong power within his soul, it's not the last time he'll be monsters and demons menu. As much as that terrifies Deyonte he can't help but feel a strange attraction to the entity known as Death. 

As Deyonte and Death battle hell spawns to escape deadly experiences and unravel the mysteries of each other's past they will somehow get themselves wedged between a crossfire of heaven and hell with both of their very souls on the line. During this quest, Deyonte will have to discover if making out and topping the Grim Reaper is worth all the headache

2 chapters