N's Bookshelf

The Prison

The Prison

  • BL
  • Adult
  • Romance

One mistake lands Aiden in the world's most secure and loathed prison after he unintentionally murders a wealthy, well-connected wife-beater. Located in an isolated island far away from civilization, this prison is befittingly known as "The Prison from Hell" with a hierarchy and a "king" of its own.
It is a prison unlike any other where the inmates rule and the guards stand by idly, and where brute force and influence are the ultimate weapons, the keys to survival. Aiden's horrified at how easy it is to be cornered and raped, and grows ever wary when the infamous gang leader and prison 'King', Schneizel Cross, whose got even the prison guards wrapped around his finger, takes a liking to him and openly confesses to desiring Aiden as his new 'bitch'. And he isn't the only one. Almost everyone in the prison are intrigued by the fiery, outspoken, new inmate.
Desperate for protection from Schneizel's relentless advances, whom he has to share a tiny cell with, what can Aiden do to keep himself from getting killed -or worse- in The Prison from Hell, where even your own shadow abandons you in the dark?

78 chapters
The False Alpha

The False Alpha

  • Werewolf
  • BL
  • Action
  • LQBTQ+
  • Utopic/Dystopic
  • Omegaverse
  • Romance

This is a story of a boy, who was an omega. He was meant to be an alpha.

How will his family react? And will he be accepted into the Alpha School, or will he be rejected? 


Uploads, will be inconsistent. 

3 chapters
When I Was the Moon and You Were the Ocean

When I Was the Moon and You Were the Ocean

  • Werewolf
  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Supernatural
  • Young Adult
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Slice of Life
  • Smut
  • Romance

[BL | 18+] Ronan had no memory of his life before he became a siren. It wasn't a particularly solitary life; he often spent time in the quaint, seaside town people watching. But he felt a comforting peace amongst the waves of the ocean, particularly in the stillness of night while the town slept. But when an unfamiliar man collapses on the beach, Ronan feels drawn to him like the tide to the moon, and he quickly realizes there's more to life than the solitude of the ocean.

Cover design by TheFirstReader

As Seen on Royal Road

6 chapters
صوت في الظلال †

صوت في الظلال †

  • Historical Fiction
  • Vampire
  • BL
  • Adult
  • Mystery
  • Drama

فتح فمه ليشتمه لكن تم اسكاته بقُبلة ناعمة ..

صُدم واحمر خجلاً حاول أن يكسر القُبلة و يبتعد عنه لكن تلك الذراع المرعبة حول خصره جذبتهُ أكثر ..


لندن - عام 1918 -
(جوناثان ريد) الطبيب الذي تحول إلى مصاص دماء مُمزق بين قسم أبقراط وطبيعتهِ المتعطشة للدماء يقع في حب الصياد العنيد (جيفري ماكلوم) قائد حرس البريوين الذي أقسم على قتل مصاصي الدماء وتطهير لندن من هذا الجنس الحقير. 

يكافح جوناثان للسيطرة على شهيته للدم ورغبته الشديدة في هذا الرجل المتعصب الاثنان نوعان مختلفان تمامًا ومتقاطعان ولا يمكن أن يكونا معًا بسبب طبيعتهما فكيف ستكون علاقتهما المعادية لبعضهما البعض.



وجب التنبيه هذه القصة تحتوي على علاقة من نفس الجنس ومشاهد جنسية لاحقاً في مسار القصة  لذا إن كنت لا تحب هذا النوع عزيزي القارئ أو عزيزتي القارئه فلتغادروا ..




 Fr VampŶr

juli kidman
20 chapters
Acceptance || MxM

Acceptance || MxM

  • BL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Romance

Dolly Grand
44 chapters
The Cage

The Cage

  • BL
  • Adventure
  • Romance

Julian's dream is to become one of the most successful criminal lawyers around, so when a client asks him to venture to The Prison From Hell located on a remote island for an assignment, he jumps at the chance in hopes of a promotion. He's well-aware of the prison's infamous reputation, corrupt laws and peculiar hierarchy, so he already expects to find the baddest of the bad and the foulest of the foul within its concrete walls. Instead, he finds and catches the eye of the most beautiful man he's ever laid eyes on. 

When Schneider Cross, the new King of the Prison, offers him a one-in-a-lifetime chance to represent him as his attorney, Julian accepts, but just before he leaves, a riot breaks out and the prison descends into chaos. Julian is unwittingly caught in its midst and is made to defend himself from a group of rapists, forcing him to kill in self-defense. 

Angered, the inmates conspire to pin a bogus murder charge on Julian and have him thrown into The Prison from Hell with the intention to finish what they started. Dangerously unprepared and still reeling from the injustice, Julian must now seek the protection of the strongest man in all the prison if he is to survive. Only to ensure the King's protection, Julian must agree to become his 'bitch' and 'serve' him in an entirely different way than the first job entailed. 

But how can Julian possibly agree to such a thing when he suspects Schneider of conspiring with the other inmates to get him locked up?

66 chapters
Dark Dominion

Dark Dominion

  • Vampire
  • BL
  • Utopic/Dystopic
  • Supernatural
  • Drama
  • Smut

Jun’s existence is a secret. If discovered, the vampires will execute him—they wouldn't even bother to drink his defective blood. But when a vampire with a cold demeanor and fiery eyes finds him, the boy may prove more valuable than he seems.

16 chapters
Baby Boy || MxM || Omegaverse

Baby Boy || MxM || Omegaverse

  • BL
  • Action
  • LQBTQ+
  • Omegaverse
  • Romance

Shaded Allies series

1. Baby Boy

2. Trouble

14 chapters
Trouble || MxM || Omegaverse

Trouble || MxM || Omegaverse

  • BL
  • Action
  • Omegaverse
  • Romance

Ream subscribers will get more goodies from early access to additional chapters, plenty of smut scenes, art, and even more! Link in my profile!

24 chapters