Chapter Scheduling

The chapter scheduling feature on Ritoria is a versatile tool designed to streamline the process of publishing serialized content. It allows authors to plan and manage the release of their content with precision and flexibility. Authors can schedule chapters to be published at specific dates and times, enabling them to maintain a consistent and predictable release schedule for their readers. Once scheduled, chapters are automatically published according to the designated timeline, eliminating the need for manual intervention. Consistent and timely updates are essential for fostering reader engagement and retention. For authors juggling multiple projects or balancing writing with other commitments, the chapter scheduling feature offers invaluable time management benefits. 

To schedule a chapter, click on the 'Schedule' button at the bottom of the chapter editor page. A pop-up window appears where you can choose a date and time for when you want the chapter to be published. Once you're ready, click 'Schedule'. The time zone is Coordinated Universal Time 00:00 UTC (UTC +0).

Once scheduled, you can view the scheduled chapters in your novel's editor page, and your readers can view them in the info page of your novel.