Wowie's Followed Works



  • Science Fiction
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Apocalyptic
  • Utopic/Dystopic
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Slice of Life

The city of Londinium is made up of several thousand people scraping out an existence in a man made cavern. With Earth’s surface uninhabitable, the sub-city relies on highly sophisticated life support machinery for their continued existence. Keeping all that machinery in working order is a difficult task, considering it’s been in place for close to a century. 

On one hand, Londinium has Tarriq to oversee the upkeep of the systems that make continued life possible. He’s a specialist when it comes to this. On the other hand, Tarriq is an ill-tempered misanthrope. If he could live a hermit’s life with his partner Meshani, he would in a heartbeat. But the sub-city desperately needs his unique skills.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Tarriq tries, the machinery needs more and more upkeep with each passing year. Multiple unexpected equipment failures have Tarriq running himself ragged. He can keep jury rigging the systems for only so long, as they really need to be replaced, and that job is entirely too big for just one person. 


Book 1 of the series "A Song in the Darkness"

32 chapters
The Rising Sun Saga

The Rising Sun Saga

  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • LQBTQ+
  • Comedy
  • Romance

The spirit world is broken and in desperate need of a restoration. True heroes and ancient beasts that once walked are now a thing of the past. Between the empty spaces of forgotten treasure halls there are whispers of one who has returned. One legend that can rise above the rest…

Rooted in Chinese mythology and flavored by shonen anime, The Rising Sun Saga follows the perspectives of four unlikely heroes as they navigate friendships, love, and overcoming the impossible in an endless, dysfunctional spirit world.

64 chapters
Oh No! My Fiancé and I Reincarnated 7 Times and She Became a Voyeuristic Pervert!

Oh No! My Fiancé and I Reincarnated 7 Times and She Became a Voyeuristic Pervert!

  • Smut
  • Adult
  • Isekai
  • Fiction
  • Harem

This story follows Kevin and Robin as they reincarnate together through seven different universes as a task to save the multiverse from a being that has become too powerful. To do that, they need to have sexual experiences with women to gather energy to improve their compatibility through each reincarnation. Strange rules and restrictions apply as they live out each life trying to accomplish that goal.

R-18+ Only

Content Warning: Yuri, futanari, monsters, and incest will all be in somewhere in this story. There are very graphic sexual descriptions as well. NETORARE and NETORASE TOO!

Reading Suggestion:  As the author I suggest reading this without getting too attached to any of the characters. See it as more of a train wreck of bad personalities that mesh into many insane events.

No Editor: I didn't thoroughly proof read this, if there are errors you caught you can send me a message for correction and I'll thank readers in advance for that.

Author's Note: There is no need to support this story as I'm writing to vent and for the few people who are interested in reading. If you send quills my way it'll only be used to hire artists on Ritoria for artwork when there are enough of them. Thank you for taking a look at my story. 

For those coming from another site: The first new Chapter that was never uploaded anywhere else is chapter 52 here.

Series has been resumed, but very slowly.

221 chapters
My Little Succubus

My Little Succubus

  • Werewolf
  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Horror
  • Fiction
  • Adult

We all know what she is.

Impossible to catch.

Every Mating Moon they all hunt for her. Her tiny leather robes leave little to the imagination and we'd all like to feel her to sate our primal need to breed. But damn her ability to spark when threatened.

But I've a plan this year. I've watched her every move and now I'm ready to put the plot I've carefully nurtured into effect.

Within hours I plan to be sinking into her warm body and sating my insatiable appetite.

Afterall, she's not the only one with magic in this pack.

That's why they call me Magus.

- K_K_S_
7 chapters
Growing Pains

Growing Pains

  • BL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Contemporary
  • Adult
  • Romance

Theodore and Ashrad have been in a loving relationship since they were young. Theirs is a love that has grown and evolved with them throughout all their life’s experiences.

So when Ash finally convinces Theo to make a change and pursue his own happiness, things will continue as they did before, right?
How will Theo and Ash navigate their new life and the changes that come with it? What can they do to keep their relationship flourishing through such a crazy time in their lives? And how can they be sure that it will? What, if anything, does it take to shake an unshakeable bond?


A story of love, fear and self-evolution that pushes the boundaries of comfort and dares to ask how much one is willing to sacrifice for their own happiness.

8 chapters
My Mafia Madness

My Mafia Madness

  • Thriller
  • Action
  • Fiction
  • Adult
  • Romance

Dante Romano is a highly dangerously and incredibly powerful businessman who always gets what he wants in life… Money, power, women, you name it. As the face of his company and CEO to the multi-billion-dollar industry by day, Dante leads the local Mafia ring by night as an underworld crime boss known as ‘The Reaper’.

To Dante, life seems simple enough and business appears to be booming...

But all that changes when he accidentally crosses paths with the beautiful and fiery twenty-five-year-old personal assistant Alexa Myers during a chance encounter in a company elevator. Without even realising it, the vivacious young woman suddenly becomes his latest craving, and he will stop but nothing to make her his.

Unfortunately, Dante’s rivals have also learned of his latest craving and actively seek out the beautiful Alexa with ulterior motives in mind. When she learns that her life is now in danger Alexa turns to Dante seeking answers to her countless questions.

But will they be answers he can give? And will she want to hear them?

Will the lovers even have the chance to get to know one another in time before they are put in harm’s way?

And of course, will Alexa accept Dante when she eventually learns who and what he truly is? Or will she ultimately reject such a dangerous lifestyle and in turn, reject Dante?

*** WARNING - This story contains scenes of physical and mental abuse, drugs, coarse language, extreme violence, graphic sex scenes and forced sex - R18+ - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! ***

Bec Middleton
20 chapters
Trapped in the inescapable land

Trapped in the inescapable land

  • Fantasy
  • Action
  • Isekai
  • Harem
  • Smut
  • Romance

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be stranded in an isolated world, with no other humans in sight? What would you do if you had the option to do whatever you wanted in a land that only you live in?

Sora was the sole boy in this deserted land who has been isolated from society for countless years. With access to unlimited internet, food, and accessories, he had everything he needed to live comfortably. But in the end, he couldn't help but feel trapped in his own paradise.

That's how his life had continued alone in this inescapable land.

However, one day, as he was gazing through his window, he felt a sudden change, causing a young girl to appear in his room. Another human being had been transported there after many years in silence and loneliness.

Many possibilities were now possible. But how will Sora figure them out? This was the beginning of a different kind of life with the hope of figuring out how to escape this inescapable land.


📅 Updates: Once a week is the goal. (Most likely Monday)


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11 chapters
Have Gun, Will Reincarnate: Memoirs of an Isekai Knight

Have Gun, Will Reincarnate: Memoirs of an Isekai Knight

  • Fantasy
  • Action
  • Isekai
  • Harem
  • Romance

Getting shot in the head sucks. Waking up in a new world after getting shot, though, that has its perks. 

Stoner is neither a teenage boy who longs for adventure, nor an outcast dreaming of a place where he might belong. He's a professional soldier, a veteran of twenty years who's spent his whole adult life on the battlefield. He always knew he'd meet his end there. What he didn't expect was for that end to be a new beginning. 

There's a war coming to this new world, and a Goddess who needs a soldier to fight it. It'll take all of Stoner's savvy and know-how to bring a new way of fighting to this land of monsters and magic, and the stakes are as high as they can be. After all, if this world falls, Earth is next on the chopping block, along with the family he left behind.

48 chapters
Ars Nova

Ars Nova

  • Fantasy
  • LQBTQ+
  • Young Adult
  • Comedy
  • Drama

Lotte feared her world would never accept her for who she was, a woman unable to love men. Now Lotte’s dead. 

The underworld gods of ancient Mesopotamia stirred at her sudden arrival, connecting her past with the present of a different world. Kiur is a resident of this world and a victim of its own cruelties. His delusions haunt him. Unable to fully recover, he pushes away friends and family alike. 

With Lotte at his side, they now have to face the dark abyss of their mind. Their fate is yet to be cast as their lives intertwine. The Gods of the Great Below make their moves.

78 chapters