Wowie's Followed Works

You Plus Me Equals

You Plus Me Equals

  • BL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Contemporary
  • Young Adult
  • Romance

Leo is just a normal guy in college. Every day is the same. That is until Max shows up in his life and turns everything upside down.He could handle the change if it was small, but Max surprised him in front of the whole economics building... Scratch that the WHOLE College! How is he supposed to recover from that? The worst part is that Leo had liked how Max made him feel inside.Now he is stuck in a crazy entanglement with Max as they both try to discover just what being in love means. Especially when what they are feeling and how to deal with those feelings, means coming to terms with a growing change inside of them.

~A beautiful short story about individuality, love, and the roles we face when held back by our own narrowed feelings.~


This is my first ever novel I wrote. Please forgive any shortcomings you find. I have been working hard to become even better since then.

56 chapters
The Billionaires New Wife

The Billionaires New Wife

  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Romance


Donte groaned and slammed his fist onto his desk. He was still having no luck with tracking down the woman who was now Mrs. Donte Reed. It's been a week since he woke up, alone, in the hotel with no memory of the night before, but with a ring on his left hand that told him that he'd done the cliché move and gotten so drunk that he married a fucking stranger. What the fuck was wrong with him? It was never like him to do something so fucking stupid.

Just then there was a knock at his office door. "Come in."

"Mr. Reed, your brother is here to see you." Anne, his assistant of three years, said as she poked her head into the office.

"Send him in, Anne. Thank you."

"Yes sir." She said.

Not a minute later did Ryan make himself visible. "What up, little brother?"

"I'm busy. What do you want?" Donte asked, cutting right to the chase.

"Damn. What crawled up your ass and died?"

Donte looked up from his computer and looked at his older sibling and sighed. He sat back in his chair and released a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I fucked up, Ryan. Royally."

"What'd you do? Get a woman pregnant?"

Donte took a breath. "More like married her."

"What?!" Ryan hollered.

1 chapters
In Shadows Entwined

In Shadows Entwined

  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • Adult
  • Smut

An illustrated anthology, with a new mature yaoi story each week.

Note: Not all stories will be illustrated, and not all illustrations will come with a story.

5 chapters


  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Fiction
  • Contemporary
  • Supernatural
  • Young Adult
  • Adult

Witches and Dragons don't mix, or so they say. Being born a Witch with Dragon's blood, Aradia had always been a little different. Labeled as the forbidden child. She was given a powerful name and it has rung true as her power was the strongest seen in centuries. After sealing herself away in a lightning orb, Aradia has reawakened to reclaim her coven from her vile aunt who wants to take over. When she finds herself powerless, she now has to rely on her dragon powers that she has little to no knowledge of usage. With the help of four others, Aradia travels to her father's land to learn more about her dragon powers.

Cover Credit: TheFirstReader

11 chapters
Strangers In The Night

Strangers In The Night

  • BL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Contemporary
  • Drama
  • Slice of Life
  • Romance

It's just 44 hours, really, and weddings are supposed to fly by. Right?


The moment he stepped onto the hotel property, Ian should've realized a mistake was made. He should've expected something when his ex-girlfriend's bridesmaid kept asking him for favors but wasn't paying him back. Even if he was more than happy to support an old friend, even to escape the menial architecture job he's been at since he and the now-bride broke up, the next three days are for her. He will not complain.

Robert - or Bo - is only there because his family made him. He doesn't want to be here. He's his sister's plus one, and, while he knows getting out of the house is probably good for him, Bo's willing and ready to wallow in his left-behind dreams of music and dance. He doesn't know anyone. He just hopes that he'll be able to talk to as few people as possible, find his room without getting lost, and be able to gorge himself on food.

It's just 44 hours, really, and weddings are supposed to fly by. Right?


All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property.

22 chapters
Forced into Fantasy

Forced into Fantasy

  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Romance

Without even realising it, a talented young author named Ivy uses a powerful amulet to transport herself into a mystical world filled with danger, sex, magic and dragons,

After learning that she has become the main character in her own story, Ivy soon realises that she needs to play the part of the fiery and voluptuous young maiden. One who has just been taken prisoner by the merciless Overlord Adomis, after a recent raid on her small village. 

Will she be able to find a way to survive in such a cruel and incredibly intimate world or will she fall prey to the very characters she herself created? Can she manage to resist the dangerous temptation of the brutishly handsome Adomis, or will she give in to her deeply hidden dark desires towards him? 

And finally, will she manage to find a way to get back home... 

Or in the end will she perhaps choose to stay?

WARNING - Story contains extreme violence, coarse language, abuse, graphic sex scenes and is intended for those over the age of 18. You have been warned!

Bec Middleton
7 chapters
Vampiress Scarlet

Vampiress Scarlet

  • Vampire
  • Romance

Queen Scarlet BloodBorne had never been one to have faith in the words of mysterious strangers, but now she was paying the price with bloody hands. As she stands in front of her mirror, adjusting the mask that hides her identity, she prepares herself for the masquerade ball she is forced to attend. Her own father, the king, is using the event to find her a husband - a possession to be claimed by the highest bidder. Scarlet refuses to be sold off like a cheap trinket, but she's powerless to resist. 

As the night wears on, Scarlet finds herself drawn to a stranger wearing a mask, and before she knows it, she is sold off to him as his bride. To her shock, the man she has been forced to marry is none other than the same mysterious figure who warned her with his eerie prophecy. 

Now, Scarlet finds herself embroiled in a world that she thought only existed in supernatural TV shows and movies like The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural. She must navigate a treacherous world of dangerous creatures and dark magic, all while trying to uncover the truth about her own family's secrets. With her new "friend's" by her side, Scarlet will stop at nothing to uncover the truth and fight for her own destiny - even if it means paying with her own blood.

6 chapters
The Conqueror of Night

The Conqueror of Night

  • Fantasy
  • Isekai
  • Drama
  • Dark
  • Magic

Kuro Karahashi, son of a Viscount of a distant province, wakes up without memories, with only fragments of lives he doesn't recognize or understand, after a terrible accident in the mountains. Can he protect his family and his friends, from a danger that he knows lurks in the shadows, but cannot recognize? Can he fight demons with a damaged leg? Can he overcome the tragedies about to happen?

He must. For, soon the threads that drive the world will entangle around him. And, he has to make a choice.



The story will take twists and turns, but ultimately is that of an adventure. Lots of sitting around campfires, exploring castles, mountains, forests, and the mysteries and of the world. I hope that the journey will be fun. Thank you for coming along!


Schedule: 2 Chapters per week, Wednesdays and Saturday.
All Rights Reserved.
Cover Art, courtesy DJBlaze86:

This story is currently only published here,  ScribbleHub, and on Royal Road. 

Patrick Lansing
11 chapters
His by Law

His by Law

  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Adventure
  • Fiction
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Smut

I wasn't ever going to belong to Bodin. 

I wasn't his for the taking!

Bodin Charters had been my friend since we were kids. Painfully shy and uncomfortable in crowds.

I was always the outgoing one. Willing to fight and shout for what I wanted. 

But Bodin wanted something now. 


I had told him he'd not have me countless times over the years. I was waiting for a man who wrote me sonnets and climbed walls to sneak into my chambers.

Bodin would never do any of that. He didn't have an unpredictable bone in his body...
Until he did.

My father was ill and had been for a long time. I didn't know Bodin, who'd inherited the Charter's fortune and property, had persuaded my father to make me his ward upon his deathbed.

Now my father is gone.

And Bodin is stating I can't be his ward because it'd be improper. I must become his wife. 

I won't.

But as his ward, he has law over me. Law where he can make me do things I don't want to do.

And he keeps reminding me, he'll have more sway over me as my husband so I best start learning to obey him.

The devil I will.

Unfortunately, I'm finding Bodin is a far more clever devil then I expected...

- K_K_S_
16 chapters