Lola's Followed Works

WITCH - The Revolt

WITCH - The Revolt

  • Fantasy
  • LQBTQ+
  • Romance

Julia wants to be a normal, mortal human. Her oldest siblings have magic, but she does not wish to be like them.
But close to her 16. birthday, magic shows itself.


(First Book of the Witch-Series.)


All Rights Reserved.

113 chapters
Zaphira: The Secret Wars

Zaphira: The Secret Wars

  • Werewolf
  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Utopic/Dystopic
  • Smut
  • Romance

As the war of Kitts Swallow brews between the Zladvinians and the Irenians, the Kingdom of Irenia is forced to drag a king out of the shadows to fight for their nation, and invigorate the warriors to win the war. However, when already faced with war from both the north and the south, the Kingdom of Irenia is pushed into another war that lurks deeper in the shadows, a war that tests both the physical and mental, a war that would decide the faith of the both countries, a war that would stir up the secrets of all other wars to come.
"How will we find whom we cannot see?" Arthriel whispered, as his already pale face grew white as snow.

"Easy, we use powers they do not know about!"

1 chapters
Valkyria Squadron

Valkyria Squadron

  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • GL
  • Contemporary
  • Supernatural
  • Harem
  • Slice of Life
  • Romance

Cesar is a veteran soldier with a mysterious past, for him supernatural creatures and ghosts are everyday things. He has saved the world from a brutal war against the dragons, a war that no one remembers, only to find himself involved in yet another war on his return. The Alliance and the Empire have been engaged in the Continental War of Europe for years. Cesar loses his life in an important mission to recover the Codex, a gem capable of granting a wish at great cost, the same object that originated the war against the dragons. But offered a second chance, the option to return to life but in the body of a white fox girl, a familiar face and a greater mystery are now set to be uncovered. He accepts with the goal of saving his sister, finding his lost family and unraveling the mystery of his past that continues to haunt him even after his death.

But at the end of the day, it is a story about the family and how important it is for everyone to help each other to go ahead.

121 chapters
The Blessed Child. Volume 1: The Ravine

The Blessed Child. Volume 1: The Ravine

  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Fiction
  • Romance

The Ravine. A wide gap which tore through the plains of Maur several thousand years ago and has acted as a boundary between the countries of Solar and Tyne. It has been a place of mystery, fear, and to many- a place of potential treasure. Many adventurers have braved its walls and climbed into the maw in hopes of finding glorious rewards, only to never be heard from again.

A young boy, the son of a nobody adventurer, decides that the stories aren't quite enough and wishes to see them for himself. Carrying nothing but a few supplies and his imagination, he descends into the black. But what will he find beneath the surface? Will there be beautiful flowing waters and lush greenery? Crystals worth thousands? Or will it all just be a hoax, a lie, and will he find nothing but stone and darkness.


- Currently releasing daily until backlog is clear.

- Usual release schedule is One Per Week on Sunday.

76 chapters
Dance Macabre

Dance Macabre

  • Fantasy
  • Vampire
  • Horror
  • Mystery

Homicide investigator William Dandeline comes across a gruesome find on his first days at the police station of New Orleans. What it looks like to be a fair scene in the dance hall of the 13th Iberville Street, is nothing but the macabre sculpture of a twisted artist. The dead bodies, paired in two and resembling intimate dancing moves, are kept still by fish strings sawn on their shoulder’s blades, while their formal attire and expressionless yet crystal clean faces bring goosebumps to the viewer’s body.

 The year is 1965 and in the city of New Orleans it is easy to find someone to blame, let alone a bloodthirsty criminal. However, finding the true culprit is the true challenge, one that will invite William into this grotesque world between life and death. His only help? A young heir of a long-forgotten bloodline; a hermit of the elite class who is willing to assist in putting an end...

Christy Oshima
16 chapters
Leading Lines

Leading Lines

  • BL
  • Drama
  • Romance

Marc's life can be described as anything but easy. Growing up in an orphanage ever since he was a baby, the young man witnessed many of his friends coming and going as new families were opening up their arms for them. Always left behind, he grew up to be somehow distant yet full of life, always looking forward for the light to shine. . . And that light was named Chris.

Christy Oshima
6 chapters
Monster Anthology Volume 2

Monster Anthology Volume 2

  • Werewolf
  • Fantasy
  • Vampire
  • BL
  • Horror
  • LQBTQ+
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Smut
  • Omegaverse

A creeping horror in the dark. An echoing howl in the forest. A spreading pool of ichor. Shadows stalking the slightest hint of fear. A prowling terror just out of sight. Roiling storms crouching on the horizon.

The following anthology contains Mythic tales of monsters and beasts, and the horrors inflicted upon the innocents in their path. Are you brave enough to crawl into the jaws of a beast?

Be aware of all content warnings provided for each episode.

Find the illustrated version on Gumroad or Tapas. Art by OddDaph and Roxma

11 chapters
The Lyrebird King

The Lyrebird King

  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • Adventure
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Romance

The Lyrebird King is a queer medieval fantasy romance (with a heavy dose of drama and suspense) featuring Aries and Caius, two people cast aside by society finding acceptance in one another while navigating the complexities of an underground movement. 

Cover art by the amazing Cameron McCafferty (@camerongraphics).

3 chapters
Halo City Angel

Halo City Angel

  • BL
  • Adventure
  • Supernatural

What happens when an angel falls from the sky? He moves in with a demon and learns to navigate the human world.   

15 chapters