Lola's Followed Works

Salvage - Vol. 1: Nuts and Bolts (Steampunk/ Gaslamp Romantasy - F/M, M/M)

Salvage - Vol. 1: Nuts and Bolts (Steampunk/ Gaslamp Romantasy - F/M, M/M)

  • Fantasy
  • LQBTQ+
  • Adult
  • Romance
  • Drama
  • Dark
  • Magic

A Steampunk/ Gaslamp Fantasy Romance set in the industrial revolution era of a fictional world.


Magic, mad science, multicultural ambience, and political intrigue all tightly laced up into one corset and powered by the steam of two romances - one F/M and one M/M.


Intended for mature audiences, 18+.



All creations carry a trace of the maker's ethereal energy, whether deliberately placed in the magical Artifacts made by the Alchemists, or unwittingly left in the handiwork of ordinary people.


Kazia can feel that energy, in both machines and people. She may not be able to do any of the grand magic other Alchemists can, but give her a damaged machine and she can trace its energy to the problem, and know precisely how to repair it. She does have one other ability. One far more dangerous. One she will never acknowledge, and will never use.


Fleeing her villainous father rather than becoming his pawn, Kazia finds a peaceful life on a farm in a neighboring country, where no one knows that she is the daughter of Prince Gorvan Devratha. But with war looming between her birth country of Valesk and her new home in Caedra, how long can that peaceful life last?


She can be safe in the Caedran capital, among the Queen's Alchemists, but will anyone there trust her – especially the handsome but embittered Lord Kelvaran Meratha, who suspects Kazia's father of murdering his family?


Abrizhen is Kazia's older brother. He does his best to play the role of the Prince's good son and heir, but when tasked with retrieving his wayward sister, he must return to the city he'd called home for many of his youthful years. There he'll have to reckon with his past, and finally choose between the life of a dutiful prince, or the welfare of his sister – and the rekindling of an old flame.



Content/ Mature warnings are on for:


Gore: Nothing terribly extreme. Some bleeding wounds and broken bits, but all limbs remain attached and all innards remain inward.


Sexual Content: It's not all smut all the time, but there is some. I aim for not vague but also not overly lewd. Smut chapters are labeled NSFW. Chapters with very brief smut or just some torrid making out or somesuch are labeled NSFW-ish. All on-screen depictions are consensual, but there are a few passing references to noncon having happened off-screen (not to any MCs).


Strong Language: One character really loves to swear, and could probably construct an entire monologue with just various inflections of the F word. So, yeah, that's on too.


Other CWs: Dark themes (abuse, trauma, ptsd, depression, unhealthy coping mechanisms). Mostly in discussions of past events, but there are a few scenes that may be troubling to some readers.

45 chapters
The Becoming of an Assassin

The Becoming of an Assassin

  • Thriller
  • BL
  • Mystery
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Young Adult
  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Slice of Life
  • Romance

Are you an avid book reader, and do you have some time to enrich your reading experiences?

Let this book, Aidan's suspenseful, full of action and adventure story, ease your evenings.

Aidan Johnson, 16, just graduated and has been far from ordinary life. His grandfather, a trained assassin, trained him-assassination and hacking skills to protect him from the cruel world. When he dies, Aidan finds himself alone, vulnerable, and exposed. One day he gets involved in a deadly fight that would change his life for good. Ian and Thomas, members of the special attack force of their gang spotted his skills and facilitated his recruitment into the special force by recommending him to the gang leader.

In this rising action, suspense story, you get a glimpse of the cruel world out there-betrayal, hacking, and killings that hardened Aidan into the ultimate weapon of the world of crime.

So, whether you want a pass time or to enjoy a fascinating read, this is your book! Join Aidan as he courageously navigates the underworld of crime, skillfully using his brain to take down whoever stands in his way.

42 chapters
The Tale of Two Hearts

The Tale of Two Hearts

  • Young Adult
  • Romance
  • Contemporary
  • Drama
  • Slice of Life

Romantic tales come from different ages, races, personalities, genders and even across time. But this tale is ordinary. Not too sweet, not too bitter.

After years of forgetting one of the greatest heartbreak she ever experienced as a child, Natascia Greenhill once again discovers her childhood friend Darrel Sasaki through a letter he gave after he left. Following her incomplete heart to find its other pair, she finds herself chasing him in the lands of America. Will love prevail? 

Side note: This is my attempt in writing romance and it sucks ahh.. So if you cringe out just stop reading lmao. I have other books so check the out! I'm kinda confused to this having a lot of reads lol.

20 chapters
Acceptance || MxM

Acceptance || MxM

  • BL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Romance

Dolly Grand
44 chapters
The Tale of the Red Knight

The Tale of the Red Knight

  • Adventure
  • Adult
  • Romance
  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • Horror

The spirits have always spoken to Zeydrick and given him unsolicited advice. This time, they ask for something of him - and nothing will ever be the same.

Contains BL, LGBTQ+, Gore, Violence. Mature and triggers will be posted at the top of each chapter as necessary.

42 chapters
Rifter's Covenant

Rifter's Covenant

  • Fantasy
  • Vampire
  • BL

When the first rifts appeared twenty years ago, life changed drastically for humanity. Fierce battles for survival with foreign beasts became part of everyday life. The people who survived, their first unwilling venture into a rift, came known as “rifters”. Since then, it’s been their job to protect civilians from the rift’s dangers - if they want it or not.

As Duncan and his friends enter another rift as planned, they expected nothing more than a fierce fight to destroy the rift's connector, like many times before. But what lurked in this rift was too much for their group to take. With an enemy that they cannot overcome and all their lives on the line, Duncan receives an offer he cannot refuse. Little did he knew how this covenant would flip his life around. When he realizes what this deal really entails, he starts to wonder if dying would have been the better choice instead. 

Updates with 3 Episodes every Sunday 11:00 am PST. 
Number of scheduled episodes so far: 98 Episodes

Story by Jastra
Cover Art by vivi len

For interested people, here is a discord server available:

106 chapters
My Angelic Demon

My Angelic Demon

  • BL
  • Mystery
  • Adventure
  • LQBTQ+
  • Romance

Elliot Eves is pulled into a strange realm of Magical Creatures and Elf sorcerers. He is the first 'Pathseeker'( ones who can travel freely between the four realms of Existence) in the last five hundred years. For the beings here, his blood is far more precious than his life itself. 

Even in this living mess, there is a ray of hope. An Elf is there beside him. The feeling he has only by a glimpse of him makes his heart to pound leaps and bounds. Is this love? Then, who is this guy with shadows surrounding him, who comes so often in his dreams and stares at him with those longingly, teary eyes. 

What if fate binds you to someone darker? Someone you can never dream of loving? What is love anyway? Is true love just a myth or reality? Can love really bind two souls for eternity? Or it's as fragile a life itself.

"To die for someone is easy my friend, to live for someone is the harder part. And I chose both for the same person." 

                                                                                          -A quote from the novel


-I have altered the point of view of the story to different characters to give idea of a situation through various aspects. The name beside the title indicate whose POV is used in the chapter.  Hope you like it. 

 -  The cover and the thumbnail     belongs to their original creator. I have  downloaded it from Pinterest and do not own its copyright. If you are the  creator, please contact, I would be happy to put you on credit.

 - If you wish to promote my novel in any way. Please contact me first, I would  be pleased to work with you.   

-All the copyrights of this story are reserved.

Warning : The content may contain some mature contents(16+)

Lovely Writer
16 chapters
When The Rain Stops

When The Rain Stops

  • BL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Contemporary
  • Young Adult
  • Drama

[ A VERY Slow-Burn, Coming-of-Age LGBT+ Love Story about the Messiness of Love and Life ]
Jackson Rivera hates Rory Harwood with all his guts. He's has been the scourge of Jackson's summer for years, and he doesn't know why. That is, until he finds Rory's journal and begins reading it. And as he keeps reading, Jackson discovers way more than he bargained for. Hopefully, Rory won't kill him by the time it's over.


Jackson Rivera hates summer for three good reasons - three months of social isolation and boredom at his family's summer cottage, three months of dealing with the family who shares the cottage, and three months of the worst person he's ever met: Rory Harwood.

Rory has been the scourge of Jackson's summer for years, and, despite his attempted efforts to call a truce, Jackson's ready to break the guy's nose or kill him. That is, until he finds Rory's journal and begins reading it. And as he keeps reading, Jackson discovers way more than he bargained for, setting forth a series of events that'll change not just Jackson and Rory, but everyone around them, forever.

Let's just hope that Rory won't kill him by the time it's over.

*Updates one chapter a month [unless otherwise stated]*
(Contains slurs, violence, angst, profanity, homophobic dialogue, and bullying)


All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property.

49 chapters
When I Was the Moon and You Were the Ocean

When I Was the Moon and You Were the Ocean

  • Werewolf
  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Supernatural
  • Young Adult
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Slice of Life
  • Smut
  • Romance

[BL | 18+] Ronan had no memory of his life before he became a siren. It wasn't a particularly solitary life; he often spent time in the quaint, seaside town people watching. But he felt a comforting peace amongst the waves of the ocean, particularly in the stillness of night while the town slept. But when an unfamiliar man collapses on the beach, Ronan feels drawn to him like the tide to the moon, and he quickly realizes there's more to life than the solitude of the ocean.

Cover design by TheFirstReader

As Seen on Royal Road

6 chapters