SacrificeMimi's Followed Works

Sins of the Father

Sins of the Father

  • Science Fiction
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Utopic/Dystopic
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Slice of Life

Book 3 of the series "A Song in the Darkness"


A lot can change in five years. While things have settled down considerably for Darkwalker Tarriq Zar, the same cannot be said for his apprentice Kellen. Now a young man, Kellen Kaar has moved up in the world. This includes his promotion to Lead Technician for all of Internal Order, with only Tarriq as Senior Technician standing higher in the department. A new job title naturally comes with a whole new set of responsibilities and problems. And at 19 years old, he’s both old enough to be legally liable for the difficulties he faces and young enough to still get overwhelmed by his own hot headedness.

But he’s also haunted by the shadow of his own past. His family name is badly tarnished by the traitorous actions of his father, the extent of whose deceit and corruption are still being uncovered. And his own name is bandied about as someone who parties hard and fights even harder. Not to mention the massive responsibility of keeping tabs on his boss’ emotional well being and continuing to be a vital link between humanity and the Denzai. So when trouble takes a personal interest in him, Kellen finds out precisely how much trouble is entirely too much.

20 chapters
Shaded Soldiers || MxM || Omegaverse

Shaded Soldiers || MxM || Omegaverse

  • BL
  • Action
  • LQBTQ+
  • Smut
  • Omegaverse
  • Romance

Riley Steele, a 26 year old omega, is ready to do whatever it takes to get accepted into a special unit in the army full of alphas, and the people standing in his way are not shy to take advantage of that. With no choice but to accept the abuse, Riley's wish comes true, and he is finally allowed to join Tactical Team 07 with a promise his life will always be hell, and the people he should be most afraid of are not the domestic terrorists trying to bring back the good old ages when omegas had less rights than tablespoons. No...

It's his allies he needs to be afraid of.

But maybe this team, TT-07, is different. Maybe these alphas don't mind fighting with an omega. Maybe they don't see him as fair game, a toy to use. Maybe his new partner, a grumpy older alpha, Reid Bishop, doesn't actually hate his guts like it first seems. 

Maybe he has found his family in this team. Maybe they see him as their brother, as equal.

But it is certain there are people who hate to see a strong, skilled omega in their precious elite alpha army, and will do whatever it takes to ruin him and break his spirit.


Trigger Warnings: Violence, Blood, Death, Non-consensual sex (non-graphic)

Ream subscribers will get more goodies from early access to additional chapters, plenty of smut scenes, art, and even more! Link in my profile!

49 chapters
Myths, Legends, & Dreams

Myths, Legends, & Dreams

  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction

Protective dragons. Conniving succubi, and desperate thieves. Fierce battles and talking marionettes. Inside the covers you will find stories with unique worldbuilding and gripping characters.

Myths, Legends, and Dreams is a Speculative Fiction anthology featuring the works of the members of the Worldsmyths writing community. Founded in 2016, we wanted to do something BIG to celebrate our fifth anniversary, and this anthology was born!

Sixteen stories feature fresh new ideas from budding authors. Inside you will get to know the work of Ryan Gale, Michael Epanchin, Sean Kane, Allusir, Freya Bell, Ally Kelly, Emma Schouten, JC Farnham, Caitlin Donovan, CP Mills, Alex Harvey, Natalie J. Holden, Odessa Silver, and Nicole L. Soper Gorden.

Worldsmyths Publishing
12 chapters


  • Young Adult
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Slice of Life
  • Romance
  • Contemporary
  • GL
  • Fiction

Stories about family. Written for my college course, Family Studies.



Jordyn Frederick
12 chapters
صوت في الظلال †

صوت في الظلال †

  • Historical Fiction
  • Vampire
  • BL
  • Adult
  • Mystery
  • Drama

فتح فمه ليشتمه لكن تم اسكاته بقُبلة ناعمة ..

صُدم واحمر خجلاً حاول أن يكسر القُبلة و يبتعد عنه لكن تلك الذراع المرعبة حول خصره جذبتهُ أكثر ..


لندن - عام 1918 -
(جوناثان ريد) الطبيب الذي تحول إلى مصاص دماء مُمزق بين قسم أبقراط وطبيعتهِ المتعطشة للدماء يقع في حب الصياد العنيد (جيفري ماكلوم) قائد حرس البريوين الذي أقسم على قتل مصاصي الدماء وتطهير لندن من هذا الجنس الحقير. 

يكافح جوناثان للسيطرة على شهيته للدم ورغبته الشديدة في هذا الرجل المتعصب الاثنان نوعان مختلفان تمامًا ومتقاطعان ولا يمكن أن يكونا معًا بسبب طبيعتهما فكيف ستكون علاقتهما المعادية لبعضهما البعض.



وجب التنبيه هذه القصة تحتوي على علاقة من نفس الجنس ومشاهد جنسية لاحقاً في مسار القصة  لذا إن كنت لا تحب هذا النوع عزيزي القارئ أو عزيزتي القارئه فلتغادروا ..




 Fr VampŶr

juli kidman
19 chapters


  • Fantasy
  • BL
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Adult
  • Romance

اليوم الذي علم فيه كاي أنه نصف إنسان ونصف عريس بحر، وأنه المفتاح لإنهاء حرب دموية دامت 100 عام، هو أيضًا اليوم الذي عَلم فيه المحيط بأكمله بوجوده. لسنوات أبقته عائلته مخفيًا عن العالم، ولكن الآن أقوى وأخطر عريس بحر في البحار السبعة وجد كاي، .وهو الآن قادم إلى السطح من أجله

لضمان النصر، يجب على الملك ماريوس الفاتح القبض على أمير آستريا الهجين، العدوة الأكبر لأمته، والمطالبة به كرفيق له من أجل امتصاص قوته قبل أن يتعلم استخدامها. لكن هناك مشكلة واحدة فقط: لا يوجد شيء يكرهه ماريوس أكثر من جنس البشر، ولا حتى آستري، وكاي هو كلا الأمرين. ولكن عندما يرى ماريوس كاي الجميل ويصطدم بالسيوف معه، يبدأ دم الملك ذو الدم البارد في الغليان للمرة الأولى.

عندما يهاجم كاي شخص غريب وسيم بالسيف، بدلاً من الركض، يقاتل كاي على الرغم من أنه يعلم أنه ليس ندًا. بعد هزيمته، يتم اختطاف كاي إلى عالم لم يكن يعلم بوجوده من قبل ويتم احتجازه رغماً عنه. بعد دفعه إلى عالم مائي سري وخطير، يجب على كاي أن يتعلم السباحة باستخدام الذيل بدلاً من الأرجل وتجنب هجمات الملك القوي إذا كان يريد إنقاذ شعب البحر من الإبادة.

1 chapters


  • Fantasy
  • Thriller
  • Historical Fiction
  • Fiction
  • Romance

When warriors from hostile neighbouring nations kidnap the Empress Dowager, a man from her past, Captain Li Wai, is dispatched to save her. Battling both enemies from within the palace and outside, the journey back to the Forbidden City is fraught with danger. But perhaps the biggest danger comes from the Empress Dowager herself, for she hides a soulmate tattoo that will kill her if her heart ever strays. Her spirit is indomitable, her will is undefeatable, but her heart isn't as impervious to love as she thinks it is. As her long-lost feelings for Captain Li Wai are uncovered, she must make the cruellest decision.

Will she choose her people or will she choose herself? Love or death?


**Now available as an ebook on Kindle, Apple, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords!**


(Book cover by Frappe7:

Ivan Skilling
8 chapters
My Valkyrie

My Valkyrie

  • Fantasy
  • GL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Young Adult
  • Romance

Maya's boring Friday night walk took a wildly different turn when she witnessed Val fall from the sky.
She was a Valkyrie, and after nursing her back to health, she and Maya went to search for her missing gear and memories.

Though their lives would intertwine much deeper than either anticipated, but they were all in for it. Including the encounter of undead draugr, berserker, earth giants and their romantic feelings for one another.

24 chapters
Calliope [Book 1] *COMPLETE*

Calliope [Book 1] *COMPLETE*

  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Young Adult

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.


Read Book 2: 

57 chapters