bullyfanberlin's Followed Works

Thrall of the Dark Wood

Thrall of the Dark Wood

  • Fantasy
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Magic
  • Romance

Young mother Ilse arrived in Forst village seven years ago with an infant in her arms and another little one on the way. Secretive about her previous life, most assumed Ilse to be an unwed harlot, driven from her home by her family’s shame. Ilse is especially tight-lipped about the most pressing question: who the father of her children is.

Ilse bore the burden of their rumors with ease, and for seven years lived in relative peace in a small house just outside of the Dark Wood – a forest that many believed was home to inhuman creatures. None but Ilse had ever dared to live that close, fearing that they would be lured into the Wood, never to return.

When Ilse and her children disappear, seemingly out of thin air, the village assumes the Dark Wood has claimed their lives. What they don’t know is that the father of Ilse’s children, who most assumed to be some nobody from Ilse’s home village, is actually much closer than they thought. He comes from the Dark Wood – and he wants his family back.

8 chapters
In Which a Demon King and His Partner Do Something Exciting

In Which a Demon King and His Partner Do Something Exciting

  • Fantasy
  • LQBTQ+
  • Adult
  • Comedy
  • Slice of Life
  • Romance

Malson and Beneford get settled in as Braelin gets back to work... and as the King and his parnter prepare for their first court event together. 


Though perhaps there are other things on things on Jurao's gardener's mind than just mandatory social events...

14 chapters