SacrificeMimi's Bookshelf

Burning Red

Burning Red

  • Werewolf
  • Fantasy
  • Mystery
  • Adventure
  • Action
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Utopic/Dystopic
  • Supernatural
  • Young Adult
  • Adult
  • Dark

Several thousand years ago from present time, (4043) back when the humans existed in this realm, the wolves found out about a new form of technology. 




Slowly, Mindlink had evolved, with the help and grace of the Moon Goddess, when an artificial revolution caused a tremor to all wolfpacks, humans and the entire world. 


A new form of power arose, called Fusion. It was a mindlink with the Mind, Body, and Soul, a transgression into a god type of form, a mixture of both wolves, into one bigger, better faster wolf. 

It is said to encourage mates to become one with another, pleasures so extreme and accompanied with a  sense of completeness that was forever unmatched. But, there was a horrible twist. 


SC4 - 19 was a parasite, that when mates fused together for a long amount of time, it was impossible to revert back into their original selves, sealing them together, until they eventually succumbed to the parasite, losing their minds, bodies and souls, into a messy and thoughtless mixture lost away to time and space, their bodies slowly breaking down. 


Cities that exploded from overpopulation slowly started being taken over by mindless wolves, until it was unsafe for anyone and everyone. That is, until a new city was founded, meant for the few people left unfused, untouched by the parasite. The Great Bang had just commenced. 


Follow the story of Nathan and Joey, two alphas, who tried it out, before the Great Bang was able to take over their lives.. 

11 chapters