FeastOfNoise's Followed Works

Space Opera Elemental

Space Opera Elemental

  • Science Fiction
  • Adventure
  • LQBTQ+
  • Drama

Sci-fi AU of Grand Epic Elemental

Leiyu, part-time bounty hunter, scrap collector, and freelancer worker, hears through the grapevine that the Imperiat, an intergalactic empire, has placed a bounty on Princess Amara of the planet Tokamanen, although he does not wish to pursue it because of his own negative experiences with the empire's forces.  

While he is on another assignment, he is rescued by an interplanetary traveler who goes by the name Thallios.  They journey together to complete more assignments, but Leiyu wonders why Thallios is so secretive about their past and also notices that the Imperiat's soldiers seem to be following them.

4 chapters
Dorky Green Eyes

Dorky Green Eyes

  • BL
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Contemporary
  • Young Adult
  • Slice of Life
  • Romance

[A VERY Slow Burn, Gay Romance]
16-year-old Adrian Murphy is just trying to survive being in the closet. Fumbling through the last three years of high school is his plan - lay low, quietly suffer at the hands of his bullies, and don't come out.

That is, until he suddenly finds himself in the company of a mysterious teenager with striking green eyes. Little does Adrian know, before long this strange new friendship and an unexpected confession will set his whole high school plan falling apart.


16-year-old Adrian Murphy is just trying to survive being in the closet with a father who most likely won't understand him. Fumbling through the last three years of high school is his plan - lay low, quietly suffer at the hands of his bullies, and don't come out. College will be better. Maybe he'll come out then.

That is, until he suddenly finds himself in the company of the mysterious teenager with striking green eyes. Adrian hadn't planned on striking up a strange friendship with him, yet, as he confides in the green-eyed boy, a surprise confession, and fighting back starts his high school plans falling apart.

Yet the boy with green eyes is there. Always there, and Adrian can't help himself but fall in love with him, stumbling with him on a whirlwind of self-discovery, the difficulties of coming out, fumbling with first loves, and a lack of naïveté that only Adrian possesses.


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31 chapters