FeastOfNoise's Bookshelf

My Little Succubus

My Little Succubus

  • Werewolf
  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Horror
  • Fiction
  • Adult

We all know what she is.

Impossible to catch.

Every Mating Moon they all hunt for her. Her tiny leather robes leave little to the imagination and we'd all like to feel her to sate our primal need to breed. But damn her ability to spark when threatened.

But I've a plan this year. I've watched her every move and now I'm ready to put the plot I've carefully nurtured into effect.

Within hours I plan to be sinking into her warm body and sating my insatiable appetite.

Afterall, she's not the only one with magic in this pack.

That's why they call me Magus.

- K_K_S_
7 chapters
The Ravening

The Ravening

  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Supernatural
  • Adult

I had no idea why the panicked witches marked me at first.

But it didn't take me long to realize I'd been sacrificed to assuage the hunger of an insatiable incubus. A man sentenced to haunt the world as a demon with a ravening hunger for human women.

He won't leave me alone.

How can I escape someone whom I can't even see, until he's inside me? I can't touch, until he's already feeling me. No one can see him but me.

I can't make him stop. And the longer this goes on the less sure I am that I want it to.

- K_K_S_
6 chapters
When Lament Finds Love

When Lament Finds Love

  • Romance
  • Fiction
  • Young Adult
  • Drama

Can you really feel the music? Can we really hear the same sound, and interpret it in different ways? A blind violinist and a writer meets one fateful morning to find out exactly that. What could these two unlikely lovers discover in themselves and in one another?

31 chapters
Dares With The Devil

Dares With The Devil

  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Young Adult

Dion Huxley, wealthy businessman and CEO of 2 successful companies had gotten the greatest revelation of his life, and it had been right under his nose the entire time. He had overlooked the only person who he would soon find could make him infuriatingly mad and arouse him at the same time just by being in the same room as him. The only thing standing in his way was his own arrogance.

Six years ago, Luciana Flores would leave her old crush, high school and friends in Maryland. To leave for a fresh start at Stanford University. Still torn at the fact that she lacked the confidence to approach the boy she’d fancied since elementary school. Though she knew her independent like personality and his possessive one would not compete. The goal was her, and his method demanded submission. When too stubborn wills clash...sparks fly.

Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION in which the characters are created for the purpose of your enjoyment. I am not an experienced writer; this is not meant to be perfect. Anyways on with it, do ENJOY. Thanks Shezell Rigby

Dulaee Rigbee
1 chapters
(BL) Shining Hearts

(BL) Shining Hearts

  • BL
  • Young Adult
  • Romance

The shining started several years ago. If you meet your mate, your hearts start to shine in accord, and you know you are destined to each other. Isn't it romantic? 
For Adam, whose heart suddenly shone in the presence of Logan Douglas, a school bully and his worst nightmare, it is apparently NOT!

nr seventeen
24 chapters
The Night Rider

The Night Rider

  • Fantasy
  • Vampire
  • BL
  • Fiction
  • Supernatural
  • Young Adult

Carter Lee James, a 17 year old smoker with extreme anxiety and hyperactivity, has a semi illegal job, he drives. Well he street races, in the Underground City, run by night walkers, street races are a legal sport. Carter, however doesn't have a license, he did manage to get a racers card, which shows his wins and losses. 

The UC is run by Vampires aka night walkers. Being turned is illegal unless you apply to be. If someone is illegally turned, the one that turned them is charged with a sort of attempted murder.

Donevan Jace
3 chapters
Sociopathic Seduction

Sociopathic Seduction

  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Action
  • Contemporary
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Smut

Sometimes seduction is not as simple as you might think. 
I've been running from Jared ever since I escaped CORE.
They partnered me with him for years. Now he's shown up to make me disappear.
If only that'd been all he'd intended for me...
He was a machine. A ruthless trained killer with an expertise in torture and seduction. A dangerous mix, I thought. I'd loved him once but soon realized that he was a sociopath. Incapable of real emotion.
Exceptionally skilled in making others suffer.
When I'd escaped CORE, I'd escaped him. Or so I'd hoped.
But Jared is an expert hunter. An optimal predator.
And I've become his favorite prey.

- K_K_S_
15 chapters
His by Law

His by Law

  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Adventure
  • Fiction
  • Supernatural
  • Adult
  • Smut

I wasn't ever going to belong to Bodin. 

I wasn't his for the taking!

Bodin Charters had been my friend since we were kids. Painfully shy and uncomfortable in crowds.

I was always the outgoing one. Willing to fight and shout for what I wanted. 

But Bodin wanted something now. 


I had told him he'd not have me countless times over the years. I was waiting for a man who wrote me sonnets and climbed walls to sneak into my chambers.

Bodin would never do any of that. He didn't have an unpredictable bone in his body...
Until he did.

My father was ill and had been for a long time. I didn't know Bodin, who'd inherited the Charter's fortune and property, had persuaded my father to make me his ward upon his deathbed.

Now my father is gone.

And Bodin is stating I can't be his ward because it'd be improper. I must become his wife. 

I won't.

But as his ward, he has law over me. Law where he can make me do things I don't want to do.

And he keeps reminding me, he'll have more sway over me as my husband so I best start learning to obey him.

The devil I will.

Unfortunately, I'm finding Bodin is a far more clever devil then I expected...

- K_K_S_
16 chapters
Magician's Touch

Magician's Touch

  • Fantasy
  • Drama
  • Romance

Jonas is broken and weak. He won't be saving anyone today.
Fortunately, his half-brother Braph has only ever wanted to beat him in a fair fight, something that is no longer possible.
Unfortunately, Braph still wants to sample a higher power.
That power resides inside the Ajnai tree planted over the bodies of Llew and Jonas's Immortal children; the tree infused with the soul of one of those children.
Hi! I thought I'd let you guys in on a little teaser for the third & final book of the series. No cover as yet (I'm in discussion with my illustrator to work on something soon--as at April 2023). And the book isn't finished (sob), despite my starting it in 2014(!). Several reasons. Two main ones, but they're just excuses, huh?
Update 21st August: My cover illustrator expects to be available to work on the MT cover in the coming month. Fingers crossed.

Deb E. Howell
38 chapters