FeastOfNoise's Bookshelf

Healer's Touch

Healer's Touch

  • Fantasy
  • Supernatural
  • Romance

The Young Riders meet The Vampire Diaries in this tale of brother versus brother and blood-magic set in a gaslamp fantasy world. Book 1 in the Deadly Touch Trilogy.
Llew has a gift. Her body heals itself from any injury, at a cost to anyone nearby.
Llew's father disappeared when she was eleven, leaving her orphaned, as far as she knew.
Since then, Llew has learned to survive the streets of the gold-mining town of Cheer – full of opportunistic men and desperation. It’s a hard existence made tougher when her so-called friend accuses Llew of murder, sending her to the gallows.
Llew's Aenuk ability to absorb life means she doesn’t stay dead for long, but she does leave a trail of death behind her.
Escaping the hangman’s noose sees Llew fall into the hands of Jonas: the man with the knife and the Karan power to kill Llew’s kind. If Llew can nurture the attraction he has to her, maybe she can keep that knife from her heart.
But lurking in the shadows is Jonas’s half-brother, Braph: the man who has learned to combine Aenuk and Karan powers into infinite and addictive magical potential.
Healer's Touch is a fantasy novel flavored with a wild west setting, steampunk-like technology, enough romance to draw you in, horror to keep you hooked, and just enough sex to keep things spicy.

Deb E. Howell
26 chapters
The Devil Assured Me

The Devil Assured Me

  • Historical Fiction
  • Horror
  • Mystery
  • Supernatural
  • Romance

Set in the year 1827 of the Victorian Era allied with a Gothic theme, we meet the youthful Dante, a quintessential aspirant, who, through adverse circumstances, finds himself encumbered with not only the tribulations of his cherished ones, but in a concerted effort to reform the world for those who, like himself, have endured a similar fate.

5 chapters
Escaping the Abyss Vol. 1

Escaping the Abyss Vol. 1

  • Thriller
  • BL
  • Mystery
  • Adult
  • Drama

Chains and bottles of liquids are scattered across the dark room. If your hearing is sharp enough, you can hear screams echoing throughout the building.

“Will I always be alone and remain caged in this hell?”


Dark clouds gather around the city, a mastermind in the shadows giving rise to turmoil and doubts. Blood and pain filling the streets. Mysteries arise that need to be solved.

Cal, a young investigator joins the Conciliators, an organization that fights against crimes with...unusual methods. While rising to the occasion of his new occupation, he gets assigned to team up with a man that has a quite unpleasant attitude.

“I won’t take responsibility for that, not again!”

Tormented by the past, Sigal pursues a path of solitude until he is forced to team up with Cal to solve crimes. Regardless of their clashing personas, the two have to overcome their conflicts to unravel the mysteries that lie ahead and uncover the truth.

“I won’t give up!”

Blood splatters on the ground, while laughter in the distance can be heard. As Cal wakes up, he finds himself in a warm embrace.


Cover Art by Vindnyxx (can be found on Instagram)

Jen Leifire
38 chapters
Tales of Yamato

Tales of Yamato

  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Adult
  • Smut
  • Supernatural
  • Slice of Life

Magic, yokai, gods. The land of Yamato is a dangerous place no matter who you are. From moonlit nights to treacherous thunderstorms, who knows what will happen. Even gods aren't free from fate. Only time will tell if they'll survive. 

Odessa Silver
14 chapters
The Phantom Lear

The Phantom Lear

  • Fantasy
  • Vampire
  • Horror
  • Adventure
  • LQBTQ+
  • Fiction
  • Supernatural

The world of Atrium was once corrupted by the demon king of vampires, Dracula, who ruled with a bloody fist and sharp teeth. Now it is haunted with the ghosts of its past. Abandoned by the Lords Above, the people of Atrium have only themselves to fend off the demons and monsters. The Reapers, guilds specialized in hunting malicious specters, have but one goal left; to seek the King of Phantoms and bring his reign of horror to an end. 
Reaper officer of the Belmus Guild, Ray, sets off to find the King of Phantoms, after a terrible tragedy strikes her team. She will fight demons and defend herself against bloodthirsty vampires, all while seeking the truth and clawing her way through hell to save her loved one. Perhaps Dracula's legacy is more than just a scary story. And maybe there is more to the King of Phantoms than meets the eye.

8 chapters
صوت في الظلال †

صوت في الظلال †

  • Historical Fiction
  • Vampire
  • BL
  • Adult
  • Mystery
  • Drama

فتح فمه ليشتمه لكن تم اسكاته بقُبلة ناعمة ..

صُدم واحمر خجلاً حاول أن يكسر القُبلة و يبتعد عنه لكن تلك الذراع المرعبة حول خصره جذبتهُ أكثر ..


لندن - عام 1918 -
(جوناثان ريد) الطبيب الذي تحول إلى مصاص دماء مُمزق بين قسم أبقراط وطبيعتهِ المتعطشة للدماء يقع في حب الصياد العنيد (جيفري ماكلوم) قائد حرس البريوين الذي أقسم على قتل مصاصي الدماء وتطهير لندن من هذا الجنس الحقير. 

يكافح جوناثان للسيطرة على شهيته للدم ورغبته الشديدة في هذا الرجل المتعصب الاثنان نوعان مختلفان تمامًا ومتقاطعان ولا يمكن أن يكونا معًا بسبب طبيعتهما فكيف ستكون علاقتهما المعادية لبعضهما البعض.



وجب التنبيه هذه القصة تحتوي على علاقة من نفس الجنس ومشاهد جنسية لاحقاً في مسار القصة  لذا إن كنت لا تحب هذا النوع عزيزي القارئ أو عزيزتي القارئه فلتغادروا ..




 Fr VampŶr

juli kidman
19 chapters


  • Fantasy
  • Action

While on an archeological expedition, brigands accost Emkay and his employees with offers of 'protection'. Among them is someone who painfully reminds him of his past failures.

It took over fifteen centuries for the world to recover from the cataclysm caused by the extinction of an ancient race known only as the Precursors. Since then kings and emperors have risen and fallen, but the Church of Vhirs remained a stalwart guardian of the legacy of the ancients. In this uniquely crafted realm the hoomin spread wide and far, skillful tehei construct machinery of steam and gear, and elusive tanai tirelessly push the boundaries of knowledge. It is where, when musketeers and pirates clash, arcane powers get invoked amidst the gunfire.

Aramoth is a uniquely crafted reality where supernatural elements of fantasy meet the constraints of physics and is best described as hard science fantasy.

New chapters are usually published on Saturdays.

19 chapters
Reincarnated to Save the Vampire King?!

Reincarnated to Save the Vampire King?!

  • Vampire
  • BL

Rey was just trying to live out his final days on Earth in peace.

Now he's been reincarnated as the blood concubine for King Leopold Fisk, a vampire who rules his barren territory, and subjects, with an iron fist.

Worse still: Leopold is destined to die at the hands of this world's protagonist, a corrupt Crown Prince fated to bring ruin to the entire continent.

Turns out that things aren't easy when you were reincarnated to save the vampire king.

Art (Cover/Thumbnails/End of Chapter Graphic) by Natjieo

33 chapters
Calliope [Book 2] The Inbetween *COMPLETE*

Calliope [Book 2] The Inbetween *COMPLETE*

  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Apocalyptic
  • Utopic/Dystopic
  • Young Adult

Banished from Librona, Calliope and Mido find themselves on their own. Leaving their old lives behind, they create new identities for themselves, desperate to keep Calliope's true identity a secret from the rest of the world. But spies scour the land for the witch on the run, and when Calliope suddenly goes missing, Mido is forced to return to Librona where he uncovers a trail of secrets that will forever change the world.

31 chapters