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Nova Rayne

Nova Rayne

Followers 18
Publications 0



Hey, I'm Nova, aka @doodlemcfiddle, and I unapologetically love MM romance and omegaverse! 




Followed Stories


Please update Sidelines soon.

05/21/2024 20:01

There is a new version of the last chapter, 'I Wanted It All,' in Ethan's POV. It is slightly edited, so you can re-read and enjoy these two cinnamon rolls again, getting handsy with each other. Jackson's POV is coming soon!

05/05/2024 18:24

Hey! If you want to see the teaser for the next chapter, go ahead and check out Sidelines: The Gallery, and enjoy the NSFW illustration of our cinnamon rolls! Here is the link: ❤️

05/04/2024 00:24

Hey guys, just a quick update! The first batch of emails from those who subscribed to my newsletter to receive all things 'Sidelines' and my other stories + extra content is on the way! If you have not subscribed yet, here is the link:

And drumroll, please! I made a Patreon page, which you will be able to join for Free and receive all the benefits of accessing my website. Here is the link:

As for the chapter, it will be dropped tomorrow, and starting next week, it will posted first on my website and Patreon on Wednesdays and any other platform on Fridays. Like, it is supposed to be like always. Why did this change, and why will I not drop more chapters weekly? Well, I want to concentrate on making the extra content you will enjoy soon and on those WIPs that will someday see the light. And, of course, be more consistent on the schedule so you will know when Sidelines will be posted unless I say otherwise or take a break.

You can check out all the info here in the chapter I just dropped:

And that's it! Remember to subscribe and, like always, have an awesome day!

04/25/2024 22:20

Aki from Alpha Longing is finally here! I had some trouble with the commission, and sadly, I ended up making the drawing myself. I hope you like it! 🥰

04/17/2024 00:59
@Nova Rayne

so pretty.

04/17/2024 12:41

Hey! I'm looking for some beta reviewers for my one-shot comic NSFW for the upcoming smutty chapters of Sidelines. It is just a few panels since it has not been completed yet. If someone is interested, let me know, and I will send you the link by message here through Ritoria.

Note: I will reply soon to the comments in the stories. Thank you so much for all the love 🥰🥰🥰

04/09/2024 18:47
@Nova Rayne

Me! Pick me!

04/09/2024 20:28
Nova Rayne

Ahh, thank you so much! I already sent the link 🤩

04/09/2024 21:52

I just checked your website and you're GORGEOUS!

04/05/2024 20:49

Thank you so much. You are really nice, now I'm blushing 🥰🥰🥰

04/05/2024 22:28
@Nova Rayne

And you have a wonderful smile! Wish you all the best!

04/05/2024 23:03

Hey! I wanted to update you on Alpha Longing. I'm waiting for a commission from Aki to be done. So, as soon I have it, I'll drop the chapter since I wanted to show what he looks like and because the chapter will be bloody...👀And on another is a teaser of Sidelines. The next chapter will be the game, and after that, welp, you can guess 🤩

04/05/2024 19:21
@Nova Rayne

oh my I'm practically jumping in my seat

04/05/2024 19:40
Nova Rayne

Ahhh, me too! I'm making some additions to my website so that it will be published there 🤩

04/05/2024 20:34

Do you mind if I ask how you designed your website and where? Did you do it yourself or did you have someone do it? Thank you xx

04/05/2024 20:46
Nova Rayne

Hey! I designed the website myself, using some inspiration from a few website designers who design for authors. Right now, the platform I'm using is Weebly's partner one, or basically the store version of Weebly, Square Up. It is pretty basic, but since I have experience with it, I have chosen it. The basic paid plan for the hosting of the domain and upgraded features is quite affordable compared to other sites and what it provides.

04/05/2024 22:27

That's amazing! Do you know if Square Up can design a Patreon-like site, that charges memberships monthly and yearly?

04/05/2024 22:33
Nova Rayne

You can create subscriptions and charge as you like, but I think they will not be Patreon-like, meaning you will need to upgrade the subscription (not the basic) so that clients can create accounts, and then you can add passwords to the pages you want. I think they will not receive emails if you create updates there, so you will need to do it manually. It is a wild guess. I was thinking of doing something like that eventually, but I have not experimented yet

04/05/2024 22:40

So am I better off hiring a professional to design the website or should I have a go at it? And how long did it take you to get the website up and ready?

04/05/2024 22:53
Nova Rayne

Hmm, honestly, you can hire someone, that's always a great option, but depending on the features you want, the cost can start at $2.5k and can go up to $10k. (I'm in my third year of Software Engineering, and my best friend works designing webs, so this is an estimate and what I have seen.) You can always try for a month and check if it can work for you, and if you don't like it, you can cancel the subscription. I get pretty much obsessed with things, so I have it ready around in 2 to 3 days

04/05/2024 23:06

Thanks for answering my questions, it's something I've been looking into recently and I really appreciate your insights.

04/05/2024 23:07
Nova Rayne

Yep, happy to help 🥰

04/05/2024 23:17

Hey! I've just posted my old work. Trust me, I'm resting, but I wanted to share it with you. Alpha Longing is more than half-written; it needs edits but will be posted every Wednesday. While it might not be my best work, it holds a special place in my heart. I hope you enjoy it!

03/28/2024 01:30
@Nova Rayne

woah he's hot. Finally an alpha tha tdoesn't look like a twiiiiinkk!!!! in all seriousness, this is really good!

03/28/2024 20:33
Nova Rayne

Ahhhh yesss! Takeshi definitely is not a twink and mostly like a bear but in a wolf skin 👀🤩 heheheh... Thank you!

03/29/2024 13:01
@Nova Rayne


04/01/2024 17:05
Nova Rayne

This made me laugh so hard! 🫶🏼🤩

04/02/2024 19:20

Hey! ✨ I wanted to give you all an update. It's been a few days since I last posted a chapter of "Sidelines," and I haven't been able to share the next one yet. My health has been a bit compromised in the past few weeks, and although I know I promised you the next chapter, I don't want to rush and post something that isn't properly edited.

And I've made myself a website! Now, you have the opportunity to learn a bit more about me. On this platform, I'll be sharing special side stories and blog posts, so you're warmly invited to explore it. You can check it out here:

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Your patience and encouragement mean the world to me

03/25/2024 19:10
@Nova Rayne

you're good :] it's always good to take breaks. Heck, I take month long breaks between each chapter I post so you're good :3 And I'll check out the site when I can :0

03/26/2024 03:13
Nova Rayne

Yes, I usually take weeks when I feel out of it, but I hope it is just for a few days until I physically feel better. Thank you so much. I really appreciated it! 🥰

03/27/2024 14:56
@Nova Rayne

I hope you feel better soon. Relax and unwind, you deserve it.

03/26/2024 22:26
Nova Rayne

Ahhh thank you so much! I will try, hoping to feel better soon. 🥰✨

03/27/2024 14:58

Hey!✨ Don't judge me, but I totally made a new cover because, welp, Sidelines will have a new season, and why not? Hehehe.

03/18/2024 12:54
@Nova Rayne

I love the colors and the general sense of, dare I say, possessive romance it gives.

03/18/2024 15:42
Nova Rayne

Oof yes! I did not think about that, and it definitely is the vibe that it gave away! I was thinking of more of a Jackson, kinda obsessed with Ethan, but it fits. Thank you so much for the love and support 🫶🏼

03/18/2024 21:37

You're quite talented and deserve all the love!

03/18/2024 22:27
@Nova Rayne

Wow that's amazing!

03/19/2024 15:48
Nova Rayne

Thank you!

03/21/2024 21:01

Jackson x Ethan in Maggie's Party ✨😉

POV: You know that going to a bedroom alone with him is a mistake, or not? 📔✨🏈

02/22/2024 22:35
@Nova Rayne

That's so good!!

02/23/2024 07:13

Omg love the new cover!

01/28/2024 20:23

Thank you so much! It was on my bucket list for some time, but I did not have the chance to make a new one. I love the results, and I'm really happy you like it!

01/28/2024 21:28
@Nova Rayne


02/05/2024 20:52
Nova Rayne
@Nova Rayne

@FeastOfNoise Hehehe, yes, it is a hobby of mine. I don't draw too frequently because I have carpal tunnel in both hands (yikes, yes, I know I'm a young millennial) but I do illustrated covers or characters for friends and sometimes mine

02/06/2024 00:59
@Nova Rayne

Wow that's amazing! You should do commissions!

02/14/2024 18:39
@Nova Rayne

Also hope your carpal tunnel heals.

02/14/2024 18:40
Nova Rayne
@Nova Rayne

Thank you!

02/14/2024 22:46
Nova Rayne
@Nova Rayne

Yes, I thought about it but, ah, my time is very limited. I hope I can do it one day🩷

02/14/2024 22:47
@Nova Rayne

That's really impressive. I hope you get well soon.

02/17/2024 21:37