Featured Stories

Employee of the Multiverse and His Darling Cat

by Lena Mano
Fantasy Science Fiction LQBTQ+ Fiction Comedy Isekai Romance

This journal was intended to recount how I, Noble Malik, a leader of the World Management realm, was transported to a strange world and forced to climb the corporate ladder in order to return home. Inadvertently, it seems to have become a diary about the odd worlds and dangerous mysteries I encounter on business trips with my partner, whose secrets and four-dimensional personality leave me at a loss---yet intrigued. And if the reader wants a literary perspective, I suppose it's about how a workaholic loner unexpectedly learns more about what moves people and himself while uncovering a universe-shattering conspiracy. But honestly, that's too philosophical and romantic. I just wanted to see my cat, Darla, again.

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Bloody Mary: A ruthless world

Bloody Mary: A ruthless world

by Lustful_Death
Fantasy Vampire Adventure Action Apocalyptic Supernatural

Are you tired of all the stories with female leads being romance stories about some hot, dangerous, vampiric billionaire werewolf who also works as a surgeon?

If no then just move along for this is no chick flick.

If yes then welcome and I hope you enjoy this story.

Before we start with the actual synopsis I'll just clear up some basic questions that you may have.

#1: The mc will never partake in any romance because she doesn't care about that kind of thing.

#2: The mc will not partake in any sexual activity because she isn't interested, just think of her as an extreme Asexual, neither interested in romance nor intimacy.

#3: It will be obvious as you read through that the world where this story takes place is not Earth. It's a technologically advanced world with pretty similar culture and inventions to that of Earth but not Earth. There are two moons.


On the night when the two moons were fully visible in the night sky many people fell ill. The next day 40% of the world's population had been killed off, not just the human population but the entire world population. It would have been one of the world's greatest cataclysms if it had just stopped there but tragedy always likes company.

With the notification that rang in everyone's heads informing them of the successful installation of the [system] the dead rose and attacked their former loved ones intent on laying waste to all that lived. They were faster, stronger and felt no pain. They could open doors, climb stairs, smash windows and some could even drive cars.

That was merely the opening act of the transition of the world from one of animals, guns and science to one of monsters, swords and magic.

Humanity's only hope of survival became the hard to use, uncooperative so called system.

In just one night the name of the game became survival of the absolute fittest.

The weak can only be grinded into nourishment to make the strong even powerful.

There's no "us" anymore just you vs everyone else. All you can hope for is that your only ally (your self) is not too incompetent.

Will the young Mary Drusilla who miraculously managed to survive the illness of the twin full moon manage to survive in this new world?

Will she die as another nameless pebble kicked to the side of the road?

Might she even thrive? you probably already know the answer but you'll have to read to find out the how.


This is an original story written by me! Your only god and savior: Lustful_Death.

I plan on making this novel fully free but if you wish to support me then you are welcome to do so when I set up a Patreon.

Currently only posting on Webnovel, Ritoria and Scribble hub but I plan to branch out and post on other places, if you have any recommendations please inform me, I read every comment and review.


I do not own the cover image. I did not make it I just modified it a bit.

I also don't know who made the original one so if you know who owns it or if you are the one who owns it please contact me using my email address:




























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Seasons Unceasing

Seasons Unceasing

by Worldsmyths Publishing
Fantasy Science Fiction

Days come, and days go. Time is a snake eating its own tail, and all things have their end. Explore the contradictions of life and time in this speculative fiction anthology featuring upcoming authors. Find love in unexpected places or test the limits of your sense of duty. Follow a witch as she seeks to discover her purpose, and watch as a man faces the hungry wolves of winter - and his own mortality.

Worldsmyths Publishing is a non-profit organization with the charitable goal to help new writers navigate the confusions waters of publication. Join the community on Discord to gain access to members-only publishing opportunities like Seasons Unceasing.

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Insomnia and Other Short Stories

Insomnia and Other Short Stories

by Jordyn Frederick
Young Adult Drama Slice of Life

Insomnia Excerpt:

With a sigh, Dusk reached a hand up and rubbed her eyes. As she lowered it, she noticed, for the first time, someone else as crazy as her: a man crossing the street, having exited the building next to hers. He was faced away from Dusk as he approached the building straight across. The street lamps illuminated him for a moment before he walked farther away.

A car drove slowly down the street from Dusk's left.

She kept a careful eye on the man but didn't bother moving.

Years later, Dusk wouldn't be able to explain exactly what happened next.

She glanced down, just for a moment, to see how much tea was left in her mug.

A high-pitched screeching sound pierced the quiet air, making her eyes fly up––

In time to see the man get hit.

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The 24-Hour Library

The 24-Hour Library

by Jordyn Frederick
Fiction Contemporary Adult Slice of Life Forced Proximity

Working at a library during the dead hours of the night is far from the most exciting job. But when a homeless man wanders in one night, seeking shelter, Blaire's job proves to be more important than she ever would have thought.

A story of people seeking a safe space in the middle of winter.

(CW for swearing.)

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The Lonely Lighthouse

The Lonely Lighthouse

by miyaskya
Fantasy BL LQBTQ+ Supernatural Drama

After his parents died in a tragic car accident, Andreas had to drop out of university and return home to maintain the family lighthouse on a remote island in the northern seas. For three years, he lived a quiet, solitary life, accompanied only by his dog Bjorn.

One day, a mysterious stranger washes ashore…

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"Cold Front"- Winnie's Side

"Cold Front"- Winnie's Side

by ReaderDokja
BL Fanfiction LQBTQ+ Fiction Romance

Hello! This is a fanfiction of the game called Cold Front. This is almost like this game itself, only told in Winnie's POV. My boyfriend and i made this together and i wanted to share it. apologies for any typos, mispuncuation, and grammer. Please enjoy! critism is highly welcomed!

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Dear diary, it's me

Dear diary, it's me

by Fezzyquin


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by Yasmine Davis
Fiction Young Adult Romance

Hartville, Tennessee, is a small town that Beau Davis has yearned to leave behind her entire life. But it's difficult to leave a place full of memories. No one in Hartville cared about Beau Davis. They all thought she was a no-good troublemaker except for Lei Clark. This is their story. 


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In the Library

In the Library

by georgelee5786
Mystery Fiction

The record of my endless march through an endless place and conversation with an endless being...

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The Truth Behind The Lies (2022 Edition)

The Truth Behind The Lies (2022 Edition)

by MidnightStories
Rima Hatake, daughter to a worldly famous copy-cat ninja, didn’t have your average childhood. Though comparing hers to others her age, it wasn’t so horrible. Despite being cast away for seven years from her home village to train with companions of her mother, she has managed to exceed with a semi normal life.

On the anniversary of her mothers death, Rima is now summoned back to Konoha by the Hokage to reunite with her estranged father and join a Genin team. 

Soon Rima is going to be wishing her only troubles were dealing with Bee-sama’s disastrous raps and not the drama that follows a certain team 7.

Welcome back to the dysfunctional life of Rima Hatake :)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto, only the characters I have created.
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by Willem Van Herk
Fantasy Thriller Adventure Action Fiction

Colourland is the story of Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby. They live together, fight an organization and work for a man named Challenger.

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Oneshot: The price of a smile, and it's not even beautiful

Oneshot: The price of a smile, and it's not even beautiful

by Agentt
GL Romance

A practice oneshot for GL. 

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No Friends

No Friends

by nr seventeen
BL Comedy Drama Slice of Life Romance

Sam and Ray have been friends forever. And it seems they know everything about each other. But do they?

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Actual Series!

Actual Series!

Fantasy Science Fiction Adventure Action Apocalyptic Utopic/Dystopic Young Adult

First non-smutty book! 

Welcome to Actual Series! This will be the main book I will be writing. I will TRY to upload consistently for this one, because this book is a passion. 


Get ready, for an adventure, a flourish of destiny, a wiplash of exhilaration, and a twist of tragic agony.

This is Actual Series. 

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Hunted Serpent

Hunted Serpent

by LisaJ
Fantasy Supernatural Adult Romance

Magic is known to most of the world. Anyone who possesses some supernatural touch can witness it and some can harness it.

Vampires, werewolves, demons, monsters and myths of legend all exist. And so with them, supernatural humans, those born of magic thrive too. Mages are raised with their own kind and trained to combat threats for humans. Unseen protectors defend the mortals constantly.

Phoenix’s life was always planned, attend the Academy, be an Heir to her clan and fight. What was not planned was a student being murdered during the trial and the Veil between Realms ripping open, releasing beings from the pits of Hell. Literal Hell.

With it saw the annihilation of many Mage factions and now in a way to combat and protect their own, all mages both Light and Dark are forced to co-exist and work alongside each other to defeat the threat and seal the collapsing barrier. While their elders go to protect the world, Phoenix and all students of the Academies are now forced to House together at Maelia, the Academy of Spells. Forces of Light and Dark collide within the confines of ancient grounds, will Phoenix survive this new year of training to help her family or will the differences and prejudices of the clans defeat them all.



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