Featured Stories

Employee of the Multiverse and His Darling Cat

by Lena Mano
Fantasy Science Fiction LQBTQ+ Fiction Comedy Isekai Romance

This journal was intended to recount how I, Noble Malik, a leader of the World Management realm, was transported to a strange world and forced to climb the corporate ladder in order to return home. Inadvertently, it seems to have become a diary about the odd worlds and dangerous mysteries I encounter on business trips with my partner, whose secrets and four-dimensional personality leave me at a loss---yet intrigued. And if the reader wants a literary perspective, I suppose it's about how a workaholic loner unexpectedly learns more about what moves people and himself while uncovering a universe-shattering conspiracy. But honestly, that's too philosophical and romantic. I just wanted to see my cat, Darla, again.

[[Updates Feb. 10, Mar. 2, Mar. 23, Apr. 13 - Saturday 9am EST || 6am PST || 2pm GMT/WET || 3pm WAT || 7:30pm IST || 10pm PHT]]

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Fair's Sword

Fair's Sword

by Skyler Mendoza
Fantasy Adventure Action

When Kayla rescues a broken girl, Ashwa Miracle, a prophecy falls on them. Dunce, a seer knows the enemy, dreaded Faeries were stronger than before, and was coming to attack. The only way to save Elvendore along with her lazy king, their will need a sword. Fair's Sword, which was stolen ten years ago by the Faeries, and hidden by them too.
Untold secrets. Band of rebels. A quest.
Uploads everyday except when announced
wordcount per chapter: 500-1000


By Skyler Mendoza

Published on Tapas and Ritoria

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Between the lines

Between the lines

by Dafi

There is only a thin line between love and hate.

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Space Opera Elemental

Space Opera Elemental

by miyaskya
Science Fiction Adventure LQBTQ+ Drama

Sci-fi AU of Grand Epic Elemental

Leiyu, part-time bounty hunter, scrap collector, and freelancer worker, hears through the grapevine that the Imperiat, an intergalactic empire, has placed a bounty on Princess Amara of the planet Tokamanen, although he does not wish to pursue it because of his own negative experiences with the empire's forces.  

While he is on another assignment, he is rescued by an interplanetary traveler who goes by the name Thallios.  They journey together to complete more assignments, but Leiyu wonders why Thallios is so secretive about their past and also notices that the Imperiat's soldiers seem to be following them.

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A House With Heartthrobs

A House With Heartthrobs

by Rence Gonzales
Fiction Young Adult Romance

When Kaoree became orphaned due to the death of her parents she worked as a maid of five men. He fell in love with one of them but unexpectedly - whether they hide the past and forget it, there are people coming back to mess everything.


Will they be able to overcome it because of the love, and friendship that they bond them together?

Or, there are things that can't be changed because that's what's destined to happen.

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Rebirth of the Bird

Rebirth of the Bird

by Ayano Tsuzuki
Fantasy Mystery Adventure

"Outlanders, your journey ends now!"

Kiestrel wakes up reincarnated in a fantasy world as a blue jay (a type of bird)!
Determined to survive in this chaotic world, she will do anything she can to not fall into the claws of apex predators... Along with crazed, maniac magicians and insane Arch-Angels?! 

(Cover made in Canva).


Please be aware that this series may not update as quickly as it would be on Tapas. Click on the link for the Tapas version~!


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The Adventures of Astatine

The Adventures of Astatine

by miyaskya
Fantasy BL Adventure LQBTQ+ Drama Magic

Book 2 of the Grand Epic Elemental trilogy

After recovering from his injuries, Astatine sets off on a journey to the Western Region, which has fallen into chaos after being invaded by the armies of the Southern Region.

During his travels, he meets a mysterious stranger and offers to accompany him to the next city.  They become travel companions, although the stranger is reluctant to talk about his past and carries an object in his bag that he keeps closely guarded.

What adventures await our two wanderers?

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Notes on Politics

Notes on Politics

by Ilikewaterkusa
Contemporary Utopic/Dystopic

A collection of thoughts and observations that I and other dissident thinkers have about society, usually contemporary society.

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Single Mother Cultivator

Single Mother Cultivator

by Vnator
Fantasy Adventure Action Comedy Isekai Drama

Lucia Martinez had to fight for every little victory in her life, especially when she was responsible for raising a teenage son by herself. But when the teen gets summoned to another world by a dysfunctional martial sect as their would-be savior, she’ll have to fight harder than ever just to get him back.

Brought along to a world of Eastern fantasy, Lucia finds herself face to face with obscure magical creatures, various rich cultures, and a familiar yet unique chi-based magic system that every faction has their own way of looking at.

Single Mother Cultivator is as the title suggests, a Cultivation novel. Unlike other Cultivation stories, this one focuses on multiple Asian mythologies rather than just Chinese myth, and isn’t just a generic power fantasy. It explores the very nature of strength itself, and how it could and should be used. The foundational power system is the same for both major factions, with differences in their philosophies on how to pursue it.

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You Plus Me Equals Special Chapters

You Plus Me Equals Special Chapters

by KatWilkinson

Extra special chapter from You Plus Me Equals, you can get the full book with over 12 extra chapters on amazon for a few bucks.

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Stories the crazy man in alley may tell you

Stories the crazy man in alley may tell you

by Agentt
Fiction Comedy

Where is the comedy tag??? Like, i get this site is new and all, but you can't just forget to put a comedy tag! Why is there a werewolf tag and not a comedy tag!


We all have to admit the times before us were unbelievable. Like, there was a war apparently? And citizens were drafted? And cocaine was in our sodas? And a man who has a salary of minimum wages could buy a house and support his family? Like, geez. But still, adults love to tell stories that definitely cannot be real. Stories like, like my father once told me he used to run 3 kilometres everyday after school to reach home within half an hour so that he coukd watch his favourite tv show. If you don't realise, that makes him faster than Ussain Bolt. Anyhow, this is a story of a similar man, a seline man. Perhaps your grandpa who is more than willing to tell you stories of his past.

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The Whistle of a Sword

The Whistle of a Sword

by KingFredericktheGreatofPrussia
Fantasy Adventure

This is the start of an idea for a book I had in mind. I don't know how much I will post here or if I will post any more of it here, but I think the general idea is to develop this girl into half-ghost half-human samurai (yes I got the idea from Youmu Konpaku from the Touhou Project) with her own original story and origin, goals, powers, other characters etc. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this brief peek.

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Peculiar Academy for Misfit Beings Year 1

Peculiar Academy for Misfit Beings Year 1

by Thaswassup23404
Werewolf Vampire Supernatural Young Adult Harem Romance

One night can change your life forever


Never in the eighteen years I've been living did I expect to be a witch, nor did I expect to be accused of murder. Now that one was shocking.
I'm sent to meet with the Ministry of Magical Beings where they decide my fate.......
In the end the old hags send me to Peculiar Academy in the chance to prove my innocents.
Now my plans to go to Miami University was dead in the water, and my friends are now nothing more than a second thought.....Cruel I know.......
Thankfully when I arrive its just a week before school starts
 But nobody told me the school was full of misfit beings............

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Dear Memory

Dear Memory

by Jordyn Frederick
Fiction Contemporary Young Adult Slice of Life
Waking up in a hospital with no memories is... disorienting, to say the least. Through various diary entries, a young woman comes to terms with her lack of past and and tries to learn just what kind of person she's become. 

(Character study.)

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Romance Uncliched Manual

Romance Uncliched Manual

by Ivan Skilling
Fiction Contemporary Comedy Slice of Life Romance

A romantic song plays in the background, the wind blows the girl's hair ever so perfectly as her eyes glimmer-

No. That doesn't happen in real life.

This light-hearted series is a collection of short stories that pokes fun at cliche romantic scenes and gives them the reality twist that's desperately needed. So read, laugh, and enjoy!

*Now a training manual for RomCon - a company that revolutionizes dating and relationships!*

Companion book to Romance Uncliched!: https://ritoria.com/en/story/55c1c700-44ae-408d-baf0-93cf08909f05

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The WITCH Bonus Chapters

The WITCH Bonus Chapters

by sasi
Fantasy LQBTQ+ Slice of Life Magic Romance

The Bonus Chapters to the WITCH - Books. <3

You learn more about the world, the past...

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