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Christy Oshima

Christy Oshima

Followers 13
Publications 2



Hello there!

My name's Christy and I am but a humble writer from Greece who decided to share with the world her stories and ideas. 

I sincerely hope you will enjoy my stories and find yourself escaping from this reality even for just a little bit.

My favorite genres to work with are Fantasy, BL and Horror and the mix of those sometimes.

Your support is more than appreaciated and please feel free to reach out, comment and share your thoughts with me whenever you feel like it.






Followed Stories


I.Am.Alive!!!! I swear XD Also i would like to let you all know that my commissions are open and if anyone is interested in me drawing their fav characters in chibi, let me know :3

05/22/2024 17:25

So, I finally decided to join Threads. If any of my lovely ppl are there as well, you can follow me: @christy_oshima :D I would love to chat with anyone there about our books and stories :3

03/31/2024 19:07

Finding old sketches can sometimes be less cringy and a bit more inspiring. Two years ago, I was entrusted by this young photographer to tell his heartbreaking story and immediately I knew I had to draw him, even if I don't have much faith in my drawing skill. Now, after so many months, many of you enjoyed and loved Marc's quirky and joyful personality through "Leading Lines" and I can't thank you enough. Also, here is a small Spotify Playlist I had created, where i gathered all the songs that helped me writing this short story. If you decide to give it a listen, I would like to read about your thoughts on it. Thank you everyone :)

03/26/2024 11:39
@Christy Oshima

It feels like a drawing with a soul. You're quite talented.

03/26/2024 22:28
Christy Oshima

Thank you very much for your kind words :) Truth is that I enjoyed drawing him a lot, and i might even give him another shot, see where i stand 2 years later ^_^

03/27/2024 07:13

I'd love to see your progress

03/27/2024 23:42

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since the last time, but now i am back with a brand new story! First chapter just got published and the next ones will be available weekly!! I can't wait to read your comments!

02/23/2024 12:28
@Christy Oshima

It's been a month... <.<

03/20/2024 18:55

It's alright, we're still here. you do your thing and we'll be patiently waiting

03/22/2024 11:49
Christy Oshima

I know and I am so sorry! Life has caught on me with several problems and I wasn't able to upload Q_Q

03/21/2024 08:19

Final Chapter of Leading Lines just got up and along with it a small poll from me to you <3 I hope you enjoyed reading it and im looking forward for everyone's feedback!

11/15/2023 12:39

This is it folks! One more chapter until the end of "Leading Lines"! Here's a gift from me. Yours truly, Marc:

11/08/2023 10:50
@Christy Oshima

That is so cute!!!!!

11/08/2023 14:24

What? A new Dance Macabre chapter?! After 3 months?! Woah!!!!

11/03/2023 16:14

Happy Sunday everyone! I know that Halloween is just around the corner and i might be cooking something for it, but for today i want to share with you a commission by another friend, Emalie, who happily drew an adorable chibi of Marc from the newest chapter <3 There he is, lying down, all embarrassed about how much in love he is with Chris~

Emalie's links if you wanna check out her work:

10/29/2023 15:30
@Christy Oshima


11/03/2023 11:58
@Christy Oshima

These are so well-drawn!

11/08/2023 14:24

All of you who are subscribed to Dance Macabre will receive notifications regarding an update to the already published chapters. Fear not, there are just a few edits that needed to be done :)

10/25/2023 05:04

A stunning illustration by my really good and close friend, J.K.Borealis. He is a marvelous artist and writer and i hope one day he will join us here :) Also, i want to thank everyone who's reading Dance Macabre and worry not, the next chapters are on the way :D

10/19/2023 08:57
@Christy Oshima

This is gorgeous!!!!! Can't wait to see your friend's content here. And thanks for updating us! :)

10/19/2023 21:12
Christy Oshima

I think he will appear some time soon XD Thank you for being here :')

10/24/2023 15:01

Hey! Do you mind if I offer to make you a cover? i'm a cover enthusiast and I'm looking for books to try making covers for. This is free and you don't have to use the cover if you don't like it. :) Thanks and sorry for disturbing you!

10/11/2023 22:58

Hi! Thanks for reaching out and i am sorry for replying just now! No problem by me, really :)

10/19/2023 07:42